Don't Make This Easy


"Alex I'm cold" I whined as we walked around town in the snow.

"I thought you loved it when it snowed"

"I do, but its cold" I said again as I looked up at the sky to only see the white flakes falling.

"I never noticed how much you whined Alyce" Alex said as he picked up some snow and started making a snow ball as we walked.

"Well I'm a nine year old girl, what do you expect?" I said to him as he threw the snowball at a stop sign that we passed.

"Well I'm nine and I don't whine"

"well your a boy, oh Alex, while where on this side of town, let's go see the giant Christmas tree at Thomas park!"I said as my eyes lit up.

"Alright" he said with a chuckle.

"I love Christmas" I gushed"only 15 days left"

"Christmas is awesome" Alex said as we entered the park.

We walked over to the giant Christmas tree and I just stared up at it, it was amazingly beautiful.

"Isn't it pretty Alex?" I asked not looking away the tree. He didn't respond so I looked to my right where he was standing.

"Alex?"I asked not seeing him there. The next thing I know I got hit with a snow ball.

"Alex Gaskarth!" I said looking at him as he laughed

"I told you I was cold" I whined

He ran over to me and tackled me into the snow.

"I'm freezing, let me up" I said attempting to get up but he had me pinned down and was hovering over me laughing.

"I hate you Alexander Gaskarth, see if I get you anything for Christmas"I pouted as I layed under Alex basically, in the cold snow.

"That's okay Alyse Andersen, because all I want for Christmas is you" he said and gave me my first kiss.

~~~10 years later~~~

"I hate you Alex Gaskarth!"

"I don't really care" he slurred as he was about to drink some more out of his cup.

"give me that" I said and took his cup and drank some

"Ally"he whined"I'm thirsty"

"Here" I said giving the cup back to him.

He chugged the rest of it and threw the cup to the side.
"Your a bitch you know that?"

"Your a dick you know that?" I slurred back as I leaned into him. My head was throbbing. I was way past drunk, and so was Alex, we never talked to each other like this, not unless we were drunk.

We were at some party I didn't even know where. All I knew was all time low was playing and Alex made me come and watch since I had never missed any of there gigs.

As soon as all time low finished playing, Alex hugged me and then headed to the alcohol table. He started giving me drinks and I gradually became in the state I'm in now.

"Let's go find a room" Alex whispered in my ear.

"No" I said and then hiccuped.

"Why?"he whined

"I don't think Lacey would like to here her boyfriend got together with his best friend at a party" I said. Even if I was drunk as fuck, I knew better then to go fool around with Alex, especially since he has a girlfriend and I feel no romantic connection to him.

Sure I liked him at one point. And that was when I was like nine and we dated I guess, and that relationship lasted all of like a week

"I don't care what she thinks." he said as he slid an arm around my waist.

"Alex stop" I said and hiccuped again.

"Why is it that you'll sleep with every guy except with me?"

"sleep with every guy? You know I haven't! You know what? Just Fuck off." I said as I shoved him away from me and started walking away.

"Alyce I'm sorry, you know I didn't mean that, I love you, you know that right?" he asked hugging me from behind and resting his head on my shoulder.

"Let's just get out of here, I want to go to sleep, let's find Jack,Zach, and Rian" I said ignoring his question

"Fine let's go" he said with a sigh.

We found the guys just finishing up a game of beer pong and they were pretty trashed also. Looks like were all walking because none of us are driving in our conditions.

We stumbled down the street in destination of Rians house since it was the closest and his parents were out of town.

"ill carry you ally"Jack said as he stopped to let me get on his back.

"Yay! Thanks Jack"I beamed. I was not in the mood to walk.

The walk to rians house was quiet we were all drunk and tired and just mumbled and hiccuped. Jack must have been the most sober because he was having no trouble carrying me.

I hid my face in the crook of his neck.

This was the only thing I had never told Alex. I may have a crush on Jack. For some reason I just couldn't tell him. I usually tell him all about my boy problems and what not, but I just couldn't seem to let this one slip to him.
I have no idea why.
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and if i should continue