Don't Make This Easy


Selling merch was not as great as I hoped. I mean it wasn't bad either. But when the stupid stuck up snobby girls threw a fit because you were out of the size they wanted, you just wanted to break their noses.I'm lucky I had Lacey there to keep me sane.

But then there was the nice fans that I liked. Talking about how awesome All Time Low was, and how great their music was. They were just all around generous.

When me and Lacey weren't swamped with fans, we just talked. It was really cute how much she loved Alex. It was legit. I mean Alex is one of the biggest sweethearts. I won't be surprised if they end up getting married or something. Lacey is head over heels for him. And well Alex just found out he was in love with her too, I mean that's big for him, falling in love.

"Did you know I'm leaving you guys after this venue?"Lacey asked me as we were packing away the extra left over shirts.

"What! No you can't! This is only the first venue too. I need you" I begged.

She giggled"I'm sorry Lyce, but I have to go to a family reunion"

I just groaned and she laughed again.

"Your coming back though right?"

"Ummm I don't know, maybe"

I just groaned again.

After we finished packing away everything, we went to go and find the boys.

We saw them all in the middle of a whole bunch of fans, taking pictures and signing things. I smiled at the site. It made me happy to see them so happy doing what they loved to please their fans.

I told Lacey I would meet her back at the bus, and she said okay and that she would wait for them.

I started walking back to the bus playing with my cell phone, texting random people.

"Hey" I heard from behind me and I smiled recognizing his voice.

"Hey John"I said turning around smiling.

"how was the merch? Crazy right?"

"Oh you have no idea" I said playfully rolling my eyes.
He smiled at me. What a cute smile...

"So ummm we go on soon, and if you wanted to watch.." he seemed nervous to ask so I cut him off from his rambling and said" Sure I would love too"

He let out a breath and sighed in relief.I just giggled. He was beyond cute. Yup, and that's when I decided I liked John O'Callaghan. Even though I had just met him, there was something about him that pulled me in. He was cute and sincere.

"We'll be playing over there" he pointed" in a half hour"

"Alright, ill be there "

"Ill be looking for you" he said with that amazing smile.
"You do that" I said with a laugh.

"Hey Ally, who's this" Alex said coming up and putting his arm around my shoulders. And as John saw him do that his smile dropped a little. Awe. He's so cute.

"This is John, from the Maine."

"Oh, sup I'm Alex from All Time Low" Alex said introducing himself.

"Hey, uh, are you two dating?"John asked us, and I laughed and said "No, Alex has a girlfriend, were just friends"

Johns smile returned as I said that and that made me smile big. Alex tightened his arm around my shoulders.

"Come on Ally, let's go meet the others" Alex said

"Oh okay, bye John see, you later"

"Most definitely" he responded as Alex led me away.

"See you later?" Alex asked

"Yea, I told him I would watch his set in less then a half hour now"

"Oh" was all Alex said and then kept quiet the rest of the walk.


After I said congratulations to the band and hugged them all, and told them about my first day of merch. I headed to the stage to go see the Maine perform.

There was a lot of girls crowded around and I pushed my way as close to the front as I could get.

After a few minutes the Maine came out and the girls went wild. I just smiled looking around at the fans. As soon as John got to his mic stand, he spoted Me and have me a wink. I giggled and all the girls around me must have thought it was to them because they went even crazier shouting "I LOVE YOU JOHN!"

The guys started playing everything I ask for and they sounded sooo amazing. I knew for a fact they would be one of my new favorite bands.

The thing I loved most was how I caught Johns eye so many times. I don't know what was going on, I never liked a guy this fast, and I think he liked me, and let's say me and a guy have never been into each other after just a few hours give or take of meeting.

Then the thought came to my head that maybe he was leading me on, but I shook that thought away thinking he was to nice for that, and besides him singing the song into your arms shakes all bad thoughts about him away. His voice was just as amazing as he was, as weird as that sounds.

After they finished playing, I showed the guard my backstage pass and he let me through. John found me right away. He had a smile plastered to his face as he asked me If I liked it. I told him I absolutely loved it and he then said good with a laugh and then introduced me to his band

"This is Pat, this is Garrette,Jared, and Kennedy"

I said hey to them all and they did the same.

I hung out and talked to them all for a while, and then realized it was getting late and I had to go back to the bus.

John walked me out and we swapped numbers. We said goodnight and ended the perfect. Day with a hug.

I love this tour, I thought to myself as I walked onto the All Time Low bus.

As I walked on, all the guys were lounging around.

"Where's Alex and Lacey" I asked not seeing them

"They actually left a couple hours ago, Alex was bringing her to the airport"

"Oh okay, wait where am I sleeping? I kind of just want to lay down" I said realizing I was never told were I would be sleeping

"Oh your sharing a bunk with Alex, its the bottom bunk, last on the right"Jack answered

"Ew do I have to go in that bunk? Who knows what Alex and Lacey were doing in there"

All the guys just laughed at me.

I sighed and made my way to the bunk.

I got in the bunk, closed the little curtain,and felt so comfortable and relaxed just laying down.

I closed my eyes and didn't even realize I drifted to sleep until I felt Alex laying down next to me shaking me lightly awake.

I opened my eyes and smiled lightly at him and said hey.

He smiled back and kissed me on the forhead.

"Tired?" he asked as we were laying on our sides facing each other and he had his arm hanging loosely on my waist.

"Yea I guess, I didn't even realize I fell asleep. I just came here to lay down and rest"

"Well I'm sorry for waking you"

"Its okay" I said with a small smile.

"There's gonna be a party later, in the woods. Well there's basically gonna be drinks people and a bon fire." Alex said with a little laugh"Wanna go?" he asked

"Sure, sounds like fun" he gave me a smile in return

"So how was the Maine?"

"Absolutely amazing"

"Better then us?" Alex asked jokingly

"A bagillion times better" I said back playfully

"So you like John?" he asked me softly.

"Actually yes, I think I do"


"Why do you always say that? You always go oh"
I said moving away from him a little making the arm he had around my waist drop on the bed.

"What else am I supposed to say? Congratulations?"
He asked plopping himself up on his elbow

"Yes maybe"I said plopping myself up on my elbow too.

"Yea well maybe I don't like to hear about you liking other guys."

"Why? What's wrong with every guy I like? I mean you seem to hate them all, even if you don't know them"

"I don't need to know them to know they arnt good enough for you" he said raising his voice a tad.

"I think all the guys I like are good enough for me" I said raising my voice too.

"Well I don't think they are!"

"I'm sick of your stupid opinions Alex!" I said and shoved him out of the bunk, he landed on the floor with a thump.

I got out of the bunk and stepped over him. I walked to the little lounge room all the guys we're in.

They looked at me as I sat down on the couch next to Zach aggravated.

"You two okay?" Rian asked as Alex walked into the lounge too and sat across from me next to Jack

"Just perfect" he said through his teeth.

"Well uh, how about we get to this party?"Zach asked as we all stood up and started walking off the bus. You could just feel the tension between me and Alex.

This was going to be one interesting night.
♠ ♠ ♠
I loveeee John Ohhh<3333 hehehe

Comment and ill post the next chapter faster. haha i already have it written:P