My Way Home Is Through You

Chapter 1.

My Way Home Is Through You

Danny stared at the view in front of him. His heart was ripped into a thousand pieces.
Dougie stood pressed up against the wall, Mikey Way pressed up against him. Mikey’s hands roamed all over Dougie’s body as they kept the rough kiss alive.
Slowly, Danny backed away, as he made his way up again – to his room. He knew he would get to spend much time in there.

Chapter 1. – Danny’s Pov
“Danny! Can you please get me the ice cream? I can’t reach it on the highest shelf in the refrigerator. Please?” Dougie’s voice reached my ears, where I was sat in the living room. I groaned as I stood up and walked out in the kitchen.
Dougie’s wide smile and his sparkling eyes lit everything up.
The refrigerator was high, yes. And it was funny how Dougie couldn’t reach the things on the shelf the first (up) shelf. That’s why I, Tom and Harry always putted the things he liked, on that shelf. And he never seemed to learn that he could take a chair to stand on.
A warm feeling went through my whole body as I gave that ice cream to him.
I then just watched how he ran around and picked out things before he disappeared to the living room. I was fully aware that I was falling in love with my band mate. But I couldn’t resist. Though, who could?
His long, brown fringe that had blonde highlights in it – covering one of his eyes, and the short, spiky hair in his back-head. His pink lips that I so badly wanted to put my lips on, but were afraid that Dougie was straight and would reject me for the rest of my life. Dougie’s blue, happily sparkling eyes. And not to forget, his happiness, rudeness, how he joked often and how he was just trying to annoy his friends. Then there was that shy side of Dougie. Not showed that often, but when it was there – it made Dougie even sweeter.
Sighing, I turned around and left the kitchen, instead I sat down next to Dougie as I got into the living room. I haven’t ever seen someone be so into the TV, and the ice cream – as Dougie. He was sitting there, staring at the TV while he once in a while moved the spoon down to the bowl to take some more ice cream. I wasn’t even sure if he noticed me as I sat down. Probably not.
I’d been liking Dougie for a while. I tried to make him notice it. But he never did. I could try for ages to give him some sort of sign, but he never noticed it. And I’m sure he never even thought about that I might have been liking him.
I didn’t even know if he was straight or if he liked guys. Because if he did, he was hiding it quite well.

“So Doug, what have you been up to today?” I asked, trying to catch his attention.

“Erhm… I woke up, went down in the kitchen, tried to get the ice cream, called for you so you cold help me. And here I am.” He said without even blinking or taking his eyes away from the TV.



And there we were again. That awkward silence. I hated it. I absolutely hated it. I wished that he could just speak or something. But he was so lost in his ice cream and the TV that he just didn’t speak or care about that I was in the room.
I sighed as I stood up from the sofa, taking one last look at Dougie before I started to make my way out from the living room.

“Where are you going, Dan?” Dougie shouted as I was on my way up the stairs.

“To my room. I’m bored.” I replied.

After my reply, Dougie was silent. Apparently he was sucked into the TV again.
I threw myself on my bed as I’d entered my room. Once again I sighed and rested my head into the mattress of the bed, covering my head with my hands.
All I wanted was for Dougie to notice me. Not just as a friend. But more.
He even had a better relationship with the ice cream than with me.
Oh god, he was in love with ice cream!
I sat up and dragged my hands over my face before I picked up my acoustic guitar and started to play random things.
A quiet knock on the door made me stop everything and just stare at the door.

“Dan? Can I come in?” before I got any time to answer, the door opened to reveal Dougie.
Instantly my heart started to beat faster and I felt like I was melting. Just because he came.

“Would I have been able to say no? And you would’ve listened to me?” I asked.


“What do you want?”

“I’m…I’m bored… So I thought you might have known anything to do. Doesn’t matter what it is. Just as long it keeps me un-bored.”

Pictures of me doing naughty things to him ran through my mind.
Slowly I pushed Dougie onto my bed. His wide smiling face inches away from my own.
I leaned down and brushed my lips over his. A slight smirk covered my face as he pushed my head down slightly, capturing my lips with his own.
My tongue slipped into his mouth, my tongue running over his.
Dougie’s hands gripped my shirt and he pulled me down even more, so that I was nearly laying completely over him.
A moan left my lips as his hands slipped under my shirt, his hands roaming all over my chest.
He moved his hands out of my shirt. Instead, he took a grip on it, pulling it of off me.
Another moan left my lips as he brushed his fingers over my nipples, instantly making them hard.
Quickly I ripped his shirt off him, revealing his chest. I placed my hand on it, stroking my hand over it. He closed his eyes as he put his hand on my back, sitting up slightly so that he could capture my lips with his own once again.

“I want you, Dan.” He murmured after he’d pulled away from the kiss.

Slowly I unbuckled his belt, to take off his pants. Doing the same with my own.
A few seconds later, both of us laid there – naked.

“Danny? Dan, are you okay?” I was snapped back by Dougie shaking me slightly.

“Yeah, I am…” I answered as I blushed. The thought of what I’d just been day dreaming about made me feel a bit weird by being near Dougie. I so badly wanted to make it real.

“So what can we do to cure the boredom?” he asked as he slumped down on my bed, next to me – sitting only a few inches away from me made me even more desperate to make my day dreaming real. But I had no idea how to fix that.
I turned my head around to face him. And without thinking twice, I leaned forward. More and more – until our lips met.
As I understood what I’d done, I broke the kiss as quickly I could.

“Fuck I don’t even know how long I’ve been waiting for that!” Dougie laughed as he punched me playfully on my shoulder.
I just stared at him as he got up from my bed and made his way of from my room.
The only thought that ran through my mind was;
What the…?
