My Way Home Is Through You

Chapter 11.

Chapter 11. – Danny’s Pov
“I think I can find him on my own!” I shouted right up in Tom’s face before stomping over to the front door, placing a hand on the door handle.
It had been ten painfully long hours of waiting for Dougie to return. But he hadn’t showed up yet. We all got worried about him, and we all wanted him to get back home. No one knew where he was so it would be hard to find him out there.

“Then go, Danny. Find him. Bring him home safe.” Tom said calmly, placing a hand on my shoulder before I threw the door open, storming out.

I didn’t know what to do. I was worried, confused, scared and even angry. But it was all my fault. I’m the guilty one for Dougie taking off. If I would’ve let him love whoever he wanted to, things wouldn’t have gotten like they did.
I ran through the whole town without a sing of him. I didn’t see him anywhere, and the worry got bigger. What if someone kidnapped him? Raped him and then killed him? I wouldn’t ever get a moment of peace if something like that had happened to him.
In the end I came to an alley, stopping as I heard small sobs. And immediately I found a little hope about that it maybe was Dougie that was there.
And it was.
He sat in a little corner in the alley, his clothes half ripped and his arms dirty and bloody. Slowly I walked towards him, not wanting him to take off when he saw me. But he just lifted his head and looked at me with his big, tear filled eyes before bowing his head again, closing his eyes while a small sob left his lips again.

“Doug? What happened?” I asked quietly as I bent down next to him, my heart racing in my chest as I was waiting for him to push me away.

“Just take me home…Please…” he whispered. Doing as he said I didn’t say a word, instead I picked him up in my arms, trying to calm down as he placed his sore arms around my neck and buried his head in my chest while I started the walk home.

“I’m really sorry Dougs.” I said after a while, hearing him sigh without moving an inch.

“Don’t mention it.” He replied simply.

I kept my mouth shut the rest of the way home. I didn’t want to make things worse than they already were, all I wanted was to get Dougie home as quick as possible so we could tuck him down in his bed to let him rest. He looked exhausted and weak. And a second thing I wanted, was to get to know what happened to him while he was out during those ten hours. Did he just sit in that alley all the time? All I knew was that something was wrong since he didn’t snap at me and push me away. Or anything that he normally would’ve done. And since he even told me to take him home, something must have happened. The question was just; what?

“We’re home now, Dougs..” I said quietly as I kicked a few times on the door to our house, waiting for someone to open it. Which Harry eventually did. Shocked, he stared at Dougie before letting me into the house.

“Oh my god is he okay?” he shouted, quickly taking the groaning Dougie away from me. Without any protests from Dougie.

“I don’t know. I found him in an alley. He just told me to take him home. Just be gentle with him, Haz…” I whimpered as I followed Harry into the living room where Mikey and Tom flew up from the sofa, starting to take care of Dougie as Harry had placed him in the sofa.

After a few minutes his face and his arms were cleaned, his clothes were changed and he was fast asleep in the sofa with a few blankets covering his shaking body.
We all asked ourselves the same question over and over again, wondering what the hell happened to him. It couldn’t have been good for him to be out for ten hours anyway.
We all sat and watched Dougie before Harry yawned and stood up from the arm-chair he’d previously been sitting in.

“Well I’m going to bed…” he muttered as he turned around and left the living room, Mikey following him a few seconds later.

“Me too…” he said quietly, hurrying.

I looked over at Tom who rolled his eyes before doing the same as Mikey and Harry.

“Dan, I trust you on watching him. Don’t mention anything that happened today or anything. Just talk with him like a normal person and just be there for him. I’m sure he needs it.” He said before patting me on my shoulder before leaving.
I sighed and looked over at Dougie’s sleeping form. His chest rising and falling in a rhythm, the side of his mouth moving sometimes as he started to shuffle around in the sofa, before his eyes flew open and he stared at the roof.

“Dougie are you okay?” I asked quietly as I went over to the sofa, watching how he sat up to give me some space in it, where I then sat down and nearly gasped as he moved closer.
He looked at me with big eyes before quietly speaking.

“Stay with me…”

“I will.” I said before rubbing the side of his arm, smiling weakly as he let his head rest on my chest, taking a deep breath. It was hard to understand if it was real or not. Earlier that day he had been so angry at me. And then he wanted me to stay with him. Though it doesn’t matter. At least he didn’t push me away. I should appreciate that. Then I could just hope that everything would be okay after that moment. No more fights or anything. Even if I was the one who in a way were guilty. I was sure that Mikey would continue trying to get Dougie. Then I simply just had to back off, find another guy. There were so many guys out in the world that were gay. But none of them were as amazing as Dougie. They weren’t as nice as him. Dougie was one of a kind.

“Just…stay with me…” Dougie repeated quietly, before slowly drifting of to sleep.
