My Way Home Is Through You

Chapter 13

Chapter 13. – Mikey’s Pov
With a satisfied look I sat down on Dougie’s bed with his laptop, going through different folders, documents and just things I could go through.
I sighed out of annoyance as I clicked on a document with the title “Danny Jones, I’m forever yours”. I didn’t understand what Dougie saw in Danny. I honestly didn’t. And I didn’t understand what he saw in me. Snorting, I started to read the text in the document, rolling my eyes after almost every sentence. I didn’t think Dougie was the one who would write such things like that about Danny. He always seemed to be the more cool, a little rude, relaxed person that didn’t write stupid texts about how you loved a person. I had to break them up. Stop them from getting together. Or else I would have failed the mission I was on. I would disappoint my boss. And I didn’t want to do that. He would get so pissed off at me for getting back, knowing I failed to break Danny and Dougie both apart, and up. I had to do it. Simple as that.
I felt a little bad about it, yes. But that couldn’t have been helped.

“Mikey? Are you in there?” quickly I stood up and placed the laptop on Dougie’s nightstand again, muttering a few ‘shit’, as I heard Tom outside Dougie’s room.

“Yes! Yes I am!” I shouted to him, sitting down innocently on the bed again as he opened the door, looking at me as if I was some alien or something.

“I have to talk to you.”

“Hit me.” I laughed with a smirk as Tom rolled his eyes and watched me.

“This is important. I just wanted to ask you if you could stay away a little from Dougie and Danny. Danny will be trying to talk to Dougie about what happened when he was out after your fight with Danny.”

I rolled my eyes affectingly before standing up, slowly moving towards Tom who knitted his eyebrows together, watching me with confusion written all over his face.

“Dear, dear Tom… It was Danny’s fault. Everything. If he wouldn’t have been trying to hurt and break Dougie, he wouldn’t ever have done like he did. He attacked me because he knew that Dougie loves me instead of him. He’s just jealous, Thomas.” I smirked at him before I turned around again and sat down on the bed, keeping my gaze focused on Tom’s slightly confused face.

“But can you just leave them two alone for now? Until things are solved.” He sighed, before starting to make his way out of the room.

“I can try, I suppose.” I said, not bothered, as I finished the whole conversation.
As Tom was out of the room, I quickly threw myself over to Dougie’s drawers, searching through them hysterically in hope to find something interesting. I didn’t know what, just anything that I found interesting. But I didn’t. All I found was boxer shorts, socks, CD’s, more boxer shorts, drawings, films, even more socks, condoms, random crap that a random crap kid could own. Did he really need that much boxer shorts and socks?

Instead, I went over to where he had his CD’s… on the floor. I randomly went through them, sighing as I saw how much he listened to. Blink 182, The Used, McFly… Damn, the kid had their own CD! All of their CD’s! What was wrong with him?!
Giving up, I stood up instead, stomping out of Dougie’s room and down the stairs. I could feel how I was filled with anger as I saw Dougie and Danny sitting together, as I walked past the living room. I thought the fight made Dougie angry at Danny? I would fail. Seeing them sit together made me a lot more worried about going back to where I came from, getting beaten up by my boss when he would find out that Dougie and Danny didn’t hate each other and that one of them didn’t leave the band. I would die. I wouldn’t get away alive with it all. Sure, when Dougie and the rest of the guys would find out what I was up to, they would most probably kill me if not only throw me out. But that wouldn’t be the end of what I was up to. I would continue. Stalk them and everything. I would make it all worse.
Trying to look calm, I slowly walked in to the living room, sitting down in the arm chair near the sofa, watching Dougie and Danny’s faces as they looked at me. Danny seemed a little angry and Dougie just looked sad and confused.

“What do you want?” Danny half snapped at me, making me frown and smirk.

“I just wanted to see how it was with Dougie.” I answered, raising an eyebrow at Danny who removed his gaze from me.

“Didn’t Tom talk to you?”

“He did. But do you really think that what he says, will stop me from seeing Dougie? You are far more stupid that I thought you were, Danny Jones.” I sighed, smirking even wider as I saw Danny’s now annoyed face. I could see in him that he just wanted to kick the shit out of me. But he couldn’t. He probably didn’t want to do anything that would make Dougie stay away from him.

“Shut up, Mikey.” He growled quietly, holding Dougie tighter in his arms as if he was defending him, not wanting me to take him away.

“Dan, just ignore him…” Dougie said tiredly, yawning slightly before he buried his head in Danny’s chest, taking a fist of Danny’s shirt in his hand.

“What is wrong with you, Dougie?” I asked. “Do you seriously choose him over me? You choose a little geek instead? Can’t you see it, he’ll use you. He doesn’t love you. It’s all a trick. He just wants you for the fucking. I know it, Doug. Why do you even like him?”

Dougie raised his head from Danny’s chest, glaring at me.

“To give you the right information, Mikey, he actually went out looking for me when I was still out. He was arsed to go out to find me! Unlike you. That made me realise that I actually love Danny. So fuck off, Mikey, and leave us alone. And to add, it doesn’t make me hate you. But I want to be alone with Dan.” Dougie glared even more at me as I stood up and stormed out of the room, hearing Danny whisper something about ‘don’t care about him’.
Oh they would soon care about me. They could just wait. I had a plan.


Comments makes me happy, and makes me add more since the fic is nearing its end :)