My Way Home Is Through You

Chaper 16.

Chapter 16. – Danny’s Pov
It took me a few seconds before I was running after Tom and Harry upstairs, on my way to throw Dougie’s door open to see what was going on. But Tom stopped me.

“They’re talking in there…” he whispered, giving me a stern look to not open the door anymore than it already was.

“P-Please… Mikey, d-don’t hurt me… I-I’ll do whatever y-you want… Just p-please… Don’t…” Dougie sobbed hysterically, receiving a laugh from Mikey.

“Why shouldn’t I hurt you? I’m supposed to hurt you, you fucking kid. You’ve probably been thinking that you’re all that. Loved by so many people that you’re much better than them. You got raped and you got all attention. Tom and Harry talking sweet about you when you haven’t heard. You’ve been cuddling with Danny in the sofa. Do you really think he loves you as much as he said? Then why did he fuck Harry before you took off? I’m sure he loves Harry more than he loves you. It wasn’t just for fun he fucked him. They probably love each other so deep, but Danny just can’t let you go because he feels sorry for the disgusting rape victim. That’s why he pretends to love you, so that you won’t feel so lonely when you get chased in your darkest nightmares. I know you have nightmares, you whimpering, fucking idiot. You’re nothing more than pathetic. He doesn’t want to make sweet bum love with you because he thinks you’re disgusting. But I know how he feels, I wouldn’t want to fuck your arse after knowing that some man have raped you. Wait, hang on a second, I know who raped you. It was a mate to me. I paid him for doing it. I knew you would run out of the house when we had fought about you. So I contacted one of my mates, asking if he would like to fuck a little adorable, hot kid as you. And he said yes.” I felt utterly disgusted as I heard everything Mikey said to Dougie. I just couldn’t live with the thoughts I had floating around in my mind as I watched them through the bit the door was open. Dougie laid there on the floor, hands tied together while Mikey walked around him in slow circles, his head cocked to the side as he clearly enjoyed watching Dougie lay there sobbing, hurt tears probably rolling down his sweet but now sore and red cheeks. My vision blurred as I backed away from the door, quickly wiping the tears away that was now shedding from my stinging eyes.

I couldn’t stay away from then throwing the door open, immediately running straight into Dougie’s room to jump right on Mikey, sending him flying into the wall.

“Hey, Danny. So you wanted to join us? I was planning on having it with only Dougie. But I guess I can let you be here too.” Mikey smirked wide as he pushed me away.

“You fucking leave Dougie alone or there’ll be serious consequences.” I snapped, trying to not show the frightened part of me as I noticed the noose around Dougie’s neck. He was planning on hanging him. All my emotions for Dougie ripped through my heart. And the thoughts of loosing him flooded my mind. What would I do if Dougie wouldn’t have screamed so that I ran after Tom and Harry upstairs? He would’ve died. My life wouldn’t have had a meaning. I would be lonely. It would be so empty without him. And I would never have been able to forgive myself for getting to Dougie too late.

“What would you do? Tie me to a bed and then fuck me before leaving me? Oh, that’s right. You’ve already done that. So, what new idea have you got?” Mikey asked, still smirking. He didn’t even look bothered.

“I would fucking kill you!” I growled, punching him right in the face. “Tom, call a fucking police! I’m going to kill this bastard before getting the police to arrest him anyway! His fucking dead body is going to be put in jail for everything he has done to Dougs!”

“Ouch, Danny, that broke my heart. Will you really kill me? Do you really have the guts to do that? And how will you do it? Cheat on me? Break my heart even more? That’s nothing you can to against me. Only Dougie is weak enough to die by a broken heart. I’m not that pathetic.” By that, I punched him in his face once again. Hitting him on his nose so blood started to pour out of it. Not that he was really bothered by having a bleeding nose. Not since he punched me back, sending me flying towards the door and right into Harry who fell onto the floor. “Now back to you, Dougie.”

“No… No… P-please, leave m-me alone. No!” Dougie whimpered and shouted as Mikey hauled his body up from the floor by the rope connected to the noose. Smirking and laughing, Mikey pulled the rope through the hook that was stuck in the roof, hissing Dougie up so that he was starting to choke, kicking with his legs hysterically in a hope of getting down.

“D-D-Danny…” he spluttered, his eyes showing how panicked and scared he was.


Err.. yeah you know about the comment bit... =P