My Way Home Is Through You

Chapter 2.

Chapter 2.– Danny’s Pov
I paced the room. My eyebrows were knitted together as I thought about the kiss between me and Dougie. Why didn’t he push me away? I thought he was straight, running after chicks.
Apparently he was gay?
I smiled at the thought. Maybe, I finally had the chance to take a move, admit my feelings and have some sort of relationship with him?
I pushed Dougie into my room, never breaking the rough kiss. I moaned into his mouth as I pushed him down on my bed. Laying on top of him – straddling him.
He stroked my clothed chest, making me moan again, into his mouth.
Smirking, I pulled away, reaching over to the nightstand next to my bed.

“Dan, what are you doing?” Dougie asked as I searched for what I needed.

The handcuffs.
A grin appeared on his face as I took them out and held them in front of him.
Slowly I handcuffed him to the bars on the bed – watching how he pretended to strain against them to get free, that innocent look on his face, hiding the sexual smirk.

“Now, now, Poynter… You’ve been a naughty boy…” I said as I slowly took of Dougie’s shirt, stroking his chest, starting to draw patterns on it.

A long moan left his lips.
I moved my hand more and more down, stopping as I came to the rim on his boxer shorts.
A smirk covered my lips as I started to first pull his pants down, after that – his boxers.
There he laid, naked. His eyes were fixed on me, and he nearly didn’t blink at all.

“What about you then?”

I would’ve done anything for that to happen. Or to at least get to have my lips on his again.
I was still shocked over it. I mean, why did he let me kiss him?
Doesn’t matter that much though. The main thing was that I got to kiss him. One of the things that I wanted most in the world.
To kiss Dougie Poynter.

“Dougie…” I started as I’d slowly made my way down to where he was sat in the kitchen. This time reading the newspaper. Weird kid. “Why did you let me kiss you?”

He turned his head around, his eyes fixed at me as he slowly spoke.

“Because I know you’ve wanted it for a long time. Dan, I might seem to be stupid, but I know you like me. You’ve been watching me. It’s quite obvious.” He laughed slightly as he then got back to reading the newspaper.

I could feel my cheeks burning as I blushed madly, my whole head feeling as if it was on fire.

“Oh, don’t worry mate. I won’t hate you.” Could he read minds? Just before he answered, that thought was running through my mind.

I stared at him as he stood up from his chair and walked over to where I stood. With a smile, he placed one hand on my shoulder and looked right into my eyes.
A quiet gasp left my lips as I just kept staring at him. I lost myself in him.
The feeling of something pressing against my lips snapped me back to reality.
Dougie’s lips on mine again.
I moaned into his mouth as he licked my lower lip while he placed his arms around my neck. Parting my lips, I let his tongue slip into my mouth.

“You like it.” He laughed after he’d pulled away, leaving me wanting more.

“How could I deny it?” I smirked as I placed a hand on his chest. He grinned as he pushed it away.

“I don’t know. I thought you were straight, before you started to look weirdly at me.”

“Well, I thought you were straight.”

“Silly Danny…” he smirked as he walked out from the kitchen, sending me one last glance before bouncing up to the second floor.

I took a deep breath as I went over to the counter, placing my hands on it to support myself after the shocking moment.
Another kiss.
Was he teasing me in a way? What would it all lead to?

“I’m home!” Tom shouted. I sighed in relief as he and Harry were home again.
I gasped at the sight as I’d gotten out to where they were.

A long, black haired guy stood next to Harry. A little eyeliner made his eyes look even better. He was dressed in tight, black jeans, a black t-shirt with a band name on, and a black jacket over it.
Who the hell was he?
Another gasp was heard, and as I looked behind me. Dougie was standing there, one hand holding the banister tightly as his mouth was half open, his eyes fixed on the guy standing in front of me.


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