My Way Home Is Through You

Chapter 3.

Chapter 3. – Danny’s Pov
“Oh my holy fucking God!” Dougie gasped. “Who the hell are you?!”
Slowly he walked down the stairs, over to the guy – who took a step back as Dougie poked him carefully.

“Sorry, just wanted to know if you really are real.” Dougie blushed a bit as he backed away from the guy, a weak smile covering his lips.

“I’m Mikey. Mikey Way.” The guy said as he held his hand out to shake hands with Dougie.

Shyly, Dougie took Mikey’s hand, his eyes glistering happy as he then didn’t want to let the hand go.
I wasn’t that happy at all. The guy would steal my Dougie away from me. Exactly what I needed. A guy who would steal the person I loved. And just after I’d gotten to kiss him.
I wouldn’t ever let him steal Dougie from me. Not without a fight.
Mikey reached his hand out for me to also take. But no way. I only glared at him before walking away. Even if I was on my way up the stairs, I could hear him say “What’s wrong with him?” and then Harry answering him.
I closed my door violently as I then slid down it. I rested my head in my hands as I could feel the anger, jealousy rising inside of me. I did see how Dougie looked at the Mikey guy. I had that feeling that he was in love with him.
If he was, I was ready to ruin it all. I would stop them both.
Regretting that I went to my room, I stood up in one tiny movement, opening the door to my room violently. In some way, I could feel anger taking over me as I ran down to where Harry and Tom sat together with Mikey.
Mikey’s eyes widened in shock as I took a grip on the collar of his shirt, pulling him up from the chair he sat on.

“If you so put a finger on Dougie, I’ll personally make your life a hell.” I threatened as I then let go of him, letting him fall to the floor. Where he stayed until I had left the room.

I took a few deep breaths while I sat down on a chair in the kitchen, closing my eyes as I rested my head in my hands.

“What the hell is your problem?!” Tom spat as he entered the kitchen. He ripped my hands away from my head as his eyes bored into mine. Clear anger visible in his usually so soft and nice eyes. “I just got him over here after family issues, and you act like that?! Danny Jones, explain. Now!”

“Didn’t you see how he and Dougie were like?!” I snapped.

“Oh come on Danny. Do you really think something would happen?!”

“You never know!”

“Just stop acting like an idiot, and be nice!” he spat before leaving me alone.
How could I just be nice when there might have been a risk that someone would have taken Dougie away from me? I couldn’t just relax and pretend everything would have been normal.
I stood up from the chair, a smirk covering my lips as I sneaked out in the hall, standing so that I could peak into the living room where they all sat. Everyone except from Dougie.
Maybe I could get Dougie to tell me if he liked the Mikey guy?
That was exactly what I was going to do. I would ask every question I could about it.
I skipped up the stairs and over to Dougie’s room, gently knocking on it.

“Who is it?” came Dougie’s voice.

“It’s Danny.” I said as I opened the door. He sat in there, music blasting from his cd-player, and a magazine laying on his legs where he sat on his bed.

“Dougs…” I started as I slowly walked over and sat down next to him on his bed. He watched me closely while nodding for me to continue. “You know that guy who Tom and Harry brought home today…?” his eyes widened as I mentioned it. “What do you think about him?” I could see how he breathed quicker as his eyes were big as golf-balls.

“I…Um…I…” he stuttered. Did he have to make it so visible that he was falling for some guy he’d just met?! “I…kind of…like him…?”

I could feel how my heart broke into a thousands pieces as all my hopes of one day getting together with Dougie, slowly faded away.
He was in love with someone else. And I’m sure Mikey was falling in love with Dougie. It was so visible as they met. Mikey’s eyes told me everything. Same with Dougie’s.

“I-I have to…go.” I muttered as I stood up from Dougie’s bed and quickly went over to the door. The tears started to fall down my cheeks, and I couldn’t let Dougie see that I was on the verge of tears.

“Dan?” Dougie tried. But I ignored him as I shut the door behind me. Quickly I ran to my room, the angry and hurt tears slowly rolling down my cheeks.
Wiping them away roughly, I started to pace the room, desperately trying to think of any way to ruin it all if they started to hang out together. Which I had a strong feeling that they would.
I could spy on them? Write down everything that they did?
Or I could start spending more time with Dougie? So that he didn’t have any time left to spend time with Mikey?
I could be in the way. So that if they sat in front of the TV, I sat between them. One on each side. That would prevent them from touching each other. And it wouldn’t lead them to a night in Dougie’s bed.
I could do all of the alternatives. Spy on them, spend time with Dougie and be in the way.
