My Way Home Is Through You

Chapter 4.

Chapter 4. – Danny’s Pov
I watched how Dougie slowly made his way down the stairs and into the living room. Where Mikey was sat in the sofa, jamming on his black and white bass.

“You play bass?” Dougie asked shyly as he sat down next to Mikey.

“Yeah, I do.” Mikey answered, sending Dougie a small smile. “You want to try?”
Mikey nodded against the bass before looking at Dougie – who gladly took the bass.

Dougie started to play a random song on the bass, loosing himself in it.
I gasped as I looked at Mikey, his eyes were wide as he stared at Dougie. His eyes moved from Dougie’s hands, up to his face.

“Wow.” Ha gasped as Dougie stopped playing. “Do you also play bass?” he asked.

“Yeah, I do.”

“You’re very good.” I could feel jealously burning inside of me as Mikey talked to Dougie. And I just wanted to go over to the sofa and rip him into a thousand pieces, laughing as a crazy man while doing it. And I wouldn’t care if Dougie would sit there, begging me to stop, because I would enjoy every second of doing it.

Mikey and Dougie sat in silence, looking deep into each others eyes while they both smiled.
Feeling that I was sick of watching them, I went into the living room, sitting down between them. I smirked as I watched Dougie’s annoyed face.

“Hello mates.” I grinned as I swung my arms around their necks.

“Dan…” Dougie growled as he pushed my arm away.

“Um…Hello…I guess.” Mikey said.

I only shot him a death glare, making him jump slightly and try to move away.
Dougie punched me in the side with his elbow, glaring at me while I only smiled wide as I watched him.
Desperately he tried to push me away from them both, but I only threw my arms around his neck again, glancing back at Mikey who just looked confused. Good for him.

“Danny go away before I completely freak out!” Dougie shouted while hitting me desperately.

“Chill out dude.” I tried. “He has his monthly problems, you see…” I explained as I turned my head around to face Mikey – who screw his face up as he slowly glanced over at Dougie.

“You mean what women has each month?” he asked. I nodded. “I thought it was only women who has that…?”

“Yeah…? Well, Dougie clearly has it.”

Dougie kept struggling and Mikey kept sending confused and weird glances.
I turned around and smiled at him as I kept trying to stop Dougie from attacking me with punches. As he was both punching and kicking hysterically.

“Tom!!” he screamed in the end. My eyes widened as I listened to the sound of our oldest band mate running down the stairs.

I was dead.
I could feel the words burning in my forehead. ‘Dead’.
Tom would absolutely kill me. He did tell me to be nice.
Maybe I failed with it.

“What is…Danny! Get the hell away from Dougie!” Tom screamed, his eyes wide and his cheeks red of anger. “What the hell are you doing?!”

“What I am doing?! He was punching me like a mad man!” I screamed back. In between watching and listening to Tom’s screaming at me, I could hear and see Dougie and Mikey sneaking away, and Dougie pointing at the stairs.

I had to investigate what they would be up to. Well, if I survived.

“I thought I told you to be nice?!” he moved closer to me.

“Well, I was nice!”

“I meant that you would be nice to Dougie too!”

“You never mentioned that. So don’t lie, dear Thomas!”

“You shut your mouth, Danny Jones.” He turned around and walked out of the room. “And leave Dougie alone. Mikey too!”

I rolled my eyes and started to make my way up the stairs. I had to know what Dougie and Mikey would be up to. If it was naughty stuff or bass talking. I didn’t know. Yet, I had to.
I sneaked over to Dougie’s door quietly, putting my ear against the door, desperate to hear what they were talking about. Or at least hear some moans if they were having fun in Dougie’s bed. Which I really hoped they wouldn’t. It was wrong person. I should have been there instead of Mikey. So having some bum fun was something I really hoped they weren’t up to.

“Mikey!” I heard Dougie shriek. Immediately my eyes went wide and I waited to hear something else.

“Oh god please no…” I mumbled to myself as I kept my ear close to the door.

A gasp left my lips as I heard the bed do some weird noise, and I was so sure that they were doing what I didn’t want them to do.
Were they having sex?
More weird noises left the room and I couldn’t control myself anymore.
So I stood up and opened the door in such speed, that I flew into the room.

“Danny!” Dougie growled.

I got up from the floor and stared at them.
Mikey on top of Dougie
But they weren’t naked, and they weren’t having sex. Well, they would have had to be naked to have sex.
They were tickling each other. In Dougie’s bed.
Why did I have to be so curious? Why did I have to be so jealous when someone else were with Dougie? If Dougie wanted to spend time with Mikey, he should get to do that. It wasn’t me who decided who would be with who. It was just so hard to accept the thought that Dougie liked a guy that hadn’t known for even a few days. And the thought that I was in love with Dougie. I just couldn’t accept it all the way it was. Though a part of me really wanted to accept it.

“I…I’m… I’m sorry… I’ll just…go…” I bowed my head and did my best not to let any hurt and angry tears fall, as I quietly turned around to leave.

“Dan…” Dougie tried. But I managed to close the door and go to my own room. Leaving another guy with the one I loved. Letting him have a chance to make Dougie his. And not mine.

Still, I would try everything to make Dougie my own. I still wouldn’t ever let him be Mikey’s.
He didn’t even know properly who Mikey was! How could he get along with him so fast?
Dougie could never know if Mikey was some murderer or what he was. I was sure that Mikey could kill Dougie in the matter of one second if he felt like it. He could be some psycho murderer. Kidnapper. Rapist? Maybe he would force Dougie into things he didn’t want? Drug dealer?
God knows who the fucking guy was!
