My Way Home Is Through You

Chapter 5.

Chapter 5. – Danny’s Pov
“So Mikey, how do you like it here?” Harry asked before taking another bit from his sandwich.

“It’s great.” Mikey answered, sending me some weird glance. “Doug’s really cool.”

Dougie stopped eating his breakfast and grinned as he punched Mikey jokingly on his arm.

“Yeah, you’ve gotten along very great with Dougie.” Tom said, smiling wide.
Dougie and Mikey sent each other some glances before getting back to their breakfast.

I just sat there, screaming inside as I saw how they smiled at each other. I was still jealous. And seeing them like that together made me even more jealous. What if they would start a relationship?
It was so clear that they liked each other. A relationship would kill me completely. I was already dying inside because of them.
Soon I couldn’t take it anymore, so I stood up and made my way out of the kitchen. Dougie and Mikey’s voices echoing around in my head.
For the thousand time I paced the room as I’d gotten to my own room, gritting my teeth in anger.
I had to get rid of Mikey in some way.

“You know, you’re hot when you’re thinking, and angry.” My whole world stopped as I turned around to stand face to face with Mikey.

“And why do you care?” I asked, nearly snapped. I really didn’t get why he said that. Why did he think I was hot, if he was with Dougie?

“Because I think I like you. I really like freckled and curly haired guys.” He took slow steps towards me.

That’s when I got an idea.

“Fuck me then.” I stated.

“That’s why I’m here. To feel your ass around my hard dick.” He licked his lips, taking another step towards me. The placed his arms around my neck as he slowly leaned into a kiss. I let his tongue into my mouth as I smiled.

Moans left our lips as his tongue roamed around in my mouth, and my tongue roamed around in his mouth.

“Though…” I started after I’d broken the rough kiss. “I think we should switch places. So I’m fucking you instead.”

A smirk appeared on his face as he nodded.
He slammed his lips back onto mine, pushing me back onto my bed. Smirking, I broke the kiss and flipped him over so that I was laying on top of him, instead of him on top of me.
Both of us ripped each others clothes of our bodies quickly as hell. And I couldn’t think anything else than that he actually was hot.
I smirked even more as I reached over to my nightstand, picking up the items that I had near the bed, for one day maybe be able to use them.
Taking Mikey’s left wrist, I handcuffed him to the headboard, then I did the same thing with his right wrist.
A long moan left his lips as I stroked my hands over his chest, stopping at one of his nipples to suck at it.

“If you like this…” I whisper in his ear. “then just wait a minute for the real thing…”

Once again I reached over to the nightstand, this time I picked up a tube of lubricant and a condom.
Mikey strained against the cuffs as I put the condom on my hard member, then lubricating it.

“Fuck… Hurry up dude…” he moaned.

Biting my lower lip, I moved his legs apart and positioned myself.
I stroked his chest. “Ready?” he only closed his eyes and moaned.

“How do you want it?” I asked.

“Fast…” he murmured.

Another smirk appeared on my face as I thrusted fast, and hard, into him. Which made him groan and close his eyes in pain.

“Go on…” he groaned just as I’d stopped. I did as he said, and pulled out to thrust hard and fast back in.

“Oh fuck…” I groaned, placing my hands on his shoulders.

Suddenly I just pulled out of him, the smirk still covering my face. He screw his face up and watched me. “What the fuck..?”

“Hmm… Was I naughty who just stopped such an amazing moment?” I laughed, not happily.

“Tell me about it!” he said. “Why did you stop?”

I cocked my head to the side as I watched his confused face. His eyes were filled with confusion. I liked his eyes. They were nice. And I liked the black line of eyeliner he had.
He looked good with makeup. Even if it was only eyeliner.
Though Dougie looked better with it.

“Mikey… You know… I just like to watch you handcuffed to my bed. It’s just, now I need to find another room with a bed, so I can sleep at night. I mean, I don’t want to share bed with you.” He looked even more confused after what I said.

“I’m telling Tom.” He threatened.

“And how will you do that? You’re stuck in my bed.”

I stepped of the bed and pulled my clothes on, before I sent him a kiss and went out from my room. I had to find Dougie.
As Mikey was stuck in my room, I could finally talk to Dougie. Without Dougie getting angry because he was sitting innocently on the sofa together with Mikey.
I needed to sort things out with Dougie. Maybe tell him how I really felt.
I just feared that Tom would walk into my room and find Mikey.
What if Mikey would do something to me? I still had no idea who he was. But I knew that he in some way liked both me and Dougie. So maybe he was that kind of guy who could get together with one guy. Then cheat on him with another?
Then maybe I did Dougie a favour. Like saving him from getting together with Mikey, and Mikey then would hurt Dougie by cheating on him.
