Status: Complete! :)

Do You Love Me?

The Truth Really Hurts.

A month had now passed by since I last heard from Drew, graduation was now over and done with but Drew's parents had insisted for him to stay with them for a little longer, which I understood completely. Surprisingly.

I was now sat at a vacant table outside Subway waiting for Garbo, I hadn't spoken to him since that night out in LA and so I had come to a conclusion that he at least deserved a sincere apology from me.

"Jai," I heard his rough voice and looked up at him at once, "It's really good to see you again," he said and sat down opposite me.

I cleared my throat, "I'm sorry," I apologised quickly.

"You really have nothing to apologise for Jai," he let out a sigh, "It was your chance to escape and you took it, I probably would have done the same thing if I were in your position,"

Why in the world was he still being so nice to me after I had purposefully abondoned him?

I took a sip of my tea, "still... I shouldn't have left you there, it was rude of me,"

"Will you please just stop?" he asked all of a sudden out of the blue, "I don't need an apology from you, I came here to tell you something really vital," he informed me, "or rather ask, I guess," he then added nervously.

"And that is?"

He bit his lip hard, "I don't know how to ask you this... but you are not Joe, Kevin and Nick's actual sister, are you?"

I felt as if though my breath had been taken away, "what the hell do you mean?! Of course I am!"

"It's just that they always refer to you as their troubled cousin," Garbo finally managed to tell me the truth.

This was the last straw. I really had enough of my so called biological parents who didn't give a single damn about me. They had told my brothers that I was their cousin? This was getting out of hand minute by minute. It felt as if though my world had just come tumbling down upon me.

I stood up from my seat immediatley trying my very best to stay strong at this awkward point in my life and to not to let the tears fall, "Unfortunately I am their actual sister! Our parents have this thing... they love to lie and hurt!" and with that I ran away from the cafe, I heard Garbo closely behind myself.

"Jai!" I heard him say my name as he grabbed hold of my wrist securely, "I'm not having the repeat of last time, I'm not letting you go anywhere on your own,"

Feeling slightly weak in the legs and certainly defeated I lazily followed Garbo to his car.


Garbo had dropped me off at the Jonas mansion once I had explained to him in full detail of what I was going to do next. He made me promise that it wasn't going to be anything stupid. Once I had reached the top of the stairs leading to Paul and Denise's bedroom, I took a deep breath, it looked as if though none of the boys were home, which was good because I knew for a fact that there would be hell of a lot of shouting and cursing to come and I really didn't want them to see that side of me. Especially Joe, it would hurt him the most.

"Good afternoon, parents," I sarcastically greeted them with a fake smile.

"I knew you couldn't last that long in that small flat of yours all on your own," Denise smiled back at me, "It's good to see you again Jaime."

"Oh just cut the crap will you?" I said placing my right hand on my right hip.

Paul stood up, "do not talk to your mother like that young lady!" he shouted.

Sighing inwardly, I rolled my eyes at the two, "I just came to tell you two that I now know the truth. I know everything that you have been telling your sons about me. You have told them that I am their troubled cousin from a broken home that needs a clean break? That is so pathetic of you, you know that right? I am their sister and you can never change that. You threw me away when I first opened my eyes because I was a girl and you wanted a third son and not a daughter so you gave me away happily. You have made me go through so much and you still don't seem to stop?" It felt so good to get this all off my chest.

"What have I done to deserve this? Really I'm curious I need to know," I pestered them, "What? Is it a crime to be born female? Is that it? You got your third son. Nick. Why are you still after me? Haven't I suffered enough?" I hadn't noticed until then that my voice had began to tremble.

"What we tell our children is non of your business," Paul answered, "yes, we gave you up because you turned out to be a girl. Simple as ABC. I didn't want your influence on my boys, I didn't want you playing around with their music. I didn't want the media knowing that there is some stupid Jonas girl. It all just had to be about my boys. That is the way it has been for these past few years and it is going to stay that way." He let out a sigh, "Do you understand, girl?"

No, I didn't understand.

"And as far as we are concerned you are just a cousin, that is all." Denise mumbled behind Paul. "Now get out."

Taking in a few deep breaths I ran out of the bedroom and into the hallway, only to be greeted by a shocked-faced Joe. He had heard everything by the looks of it. "J-Joe...?" I managed to find my voice again.

"Y-You're my sister?" he asked me in a low whisper as a tear trickled down his left cheek.
♠ ♠ ♠
& the bomb drops!

I bet you guys were so not expecting that, right? :D I'm amazing like that, I know. No need to remind me. JOKE. Anyways, as I always say, feedback is essential of course. So let me know and thank you for the comments so far. Means the world to me, you know =]
