Status: Complete! :)

Do You Love Me?

Don't Go Walking About With a Famous Face.

Staring at myself in the mirror, I realised that my hair had grown much longer in these past few months. I really needed a haircut. Normally, I’d make Carol cut my hair, as she was also a trained professional and the fact that it was completely free. However, getting a haircut from Carol now was impossible as she now lived in different state to me.

I decided to spend more time with Garbo these days, maybe he could take me? I asked myself whilst running the stainless steel comb through my hair. I even introduced Drew and Garbo to each other over the phone. Drew stated that he felt relieved that I had finally made a friend over here.

On the other hand, Kevin suggested that it might be a bad idea to introduce the two of them to one another as Drew might start to feel a little jealous about the fact that I was spending some time with another guy who wasn’t him. Thankfully, that was not the case when it came to Drew.

“How’d you do it?” I heard a voice coming from behind.

Turning around, I noticed it was Nick. What was he doing here? And why was he talking to me? I asked myself the two questions repeatedly in my mind.

“H-How’d do I do what?” I asked him.

“How do you manage to keep a long distant relationship with your boyfriend and still seem so perfectly fine and determined to continue on with your relationship with him?”


“I, err, well, me and Drew love each other and trust one another,” I began to explain, “I have faith in him not to cheat on me and he has faith in me. There’s nothing complicated about it. When there’s real love between two people you have nothing to fear,” I finished, “Why?”

“You say he has faith in you to not cheat on him. You say you love each other and trust one another. But, from what I have seen so far, I think this love is just simply one sided,” Nick began to explain his point, taking my breath away. “I feel sorry for this Drew guy, because he doesn’t even know what you get up to behind his back, with another man.” He finished with a slight smirk on his face.

I just could not believe a word that slipped out of Nick’s mouth, “It is really obvious you have feelings for Garbo, you are just trying to find a way to get rid of Drew,” he decided to continue on, I wanted to object but had seemed to lost my voice somewhere, “I saw the both of you together last time, and you were flirting,”

Right then, Garbo, himself appeared behind Nick, “You should know, that Garbo will never even look at you in that way so you might as well give up on the ‘I’m such an angel’ act. I don’t want you hurting him, he is my friend and I don’t want some freak getting in his way. Yes, you have a crush on him – but you’ll learn to get over it,” Nick finished finally and turned around, “Oh Greg! I didn’t see you there!” he acted surprised, “Well, let’s just pretend you didn’t hear any of that okay? You don’t want to embarrass poor Jaime over here any further,” and with that he began to make his way out of my bedroom, but not before I had a word with him.

“You know, Nick.” I laughed and shrugged my shoulders, “you can think whatever you like, and we can’t change your thoughts on things. But, keep in mind that, whatever you say or do will not affect my relationship with my boyfriend Drew. Or with Garbo, so I think you should give up on your ‘I don’t care about Jaime’ act, because at the end of the day you know you care about me. You just don’t feel like admitting it any time soon.” I crossed my arms together and watched him leave as Garbo stepped further into the room.

I sat down on my bed and let out a huge sigh, “Nick can be such an idiot sometimes,” I shook my head.

“I know,” replied Garbo, “at least now I see you don’t let his words get to you, which is always good.”

“Sometimes I think that I should tell him the truth about who I really am but at the same time I’m scared how he might react,” I explained, “I mean, I can’t even get myself to tell Kevin and me and him seem to get along really well now…Nick hates me and he’ll probably react in a completely different way…” I lay back on my bed and stretch out my arms, letting out a yawn.

There was pure silence for a few minutes. It wasn’t one of those awkward ones, but in fact it was quite relaxing and comforting, “I need a haircut,” I finally broke the silence.

“Come on,” Garbo said getting up from my bed, “I’ll take you to the nearest parlour,”

Grabbing my jacket, I began to follow Garbo out of the house; we didn’t need to take the car, the hairdressers was only a couple of roads away, “here we are,” Garbo said as we made our way inside.

“I want to dye my hair green,” I muttered to Garbo, nudging him forward as he laughed at my need. “Don’t laugh, I’m actually quite serious, you know.”

“It’s just that I can’t imagine you with, uhm, green hair…it sounds rather revolting to me.” He laughed and began to pout, giving me his puppy dog eyes.

Placing my hands on my hips, I rolled my eyes. “Okay fine, I don’t normally give in that easily but I’ll make an exception for you.” I sat down on one of the chairs as an assistant ordered me too.

“What shall we do with your hair today madam?” the assistant with an Italian accent asked me very politely.

I thought for a while and then answered him, “Do whatever this gentleman says,” I said, gesturing towards Garbo.

“Me?!” Garbo complained, “Okay fine!” he sighed laughing yet again and began to tell the Italian assistant what he would like to see done with my hair.

After about, what seemed like a half hour or so, the hairdresser finished my hair. I looked at myself in the mirror and began to examine myself closely, Garbo had my hair feathered and slightly dyed in colour at the fringe. It looked good. We paid at the counter and made our way out of the shop. “Hold my hand,” Garbo insisted, all of a sudden.

“Why?” I asked.

“Just grab hold of my hand, and get ready to run.” He whispered in my ear, “and remember to keep your head down at all times,” he ordered.

I was confused, I didn’t seem to understand why Garbo was acting like this, “But why?” I questioned again, but before Garbo even had the chance to answer me, I finally noticed and realised why Garbo was acting ever so strangely. I let out a frustrated sigh. We were running away from, none other than the damned…

♠ ♠ ♠
Hope you guys liked it =]
What did you think of Jai and Nick's confrontation?
What do you think of Garbo and Jai's friendship?

Thank you to everyone who has been reading this and especially to those who take their time and leave their feedback, you know who you are :) I have the whole week off next week, so expect more updates, (I'm going to try and finish all of my homework in the first few days so I can spend more time on this)

Good day!
