I'll Never Let Them Hurt You

Wedding List

Gerard's P.O.V

"So, we have the chruch, the best men and the tuxes." I listed, thinking of what else we need.

"Yeah, we need invitations, a date, flowers, food and our vows." Frank finished while I wrote them down.

"Let's start with the date?" I asked, and got anm encouraging nod in return. "We have next week on Friday, or the week after on Monday?" I recalled, refreshing my mind of what we were told by the priest.

"Friday?" Frank asked, I kissed his cheek and agreed.

"So, now we need invitations." I muttered, grabbing a pencil and a piece of paper.

Folding the plain paper in half, I lent it on the table. "We can have it like this," I wrote 'Frank Anthony Iero' and underneath I wrote, 'Gerard Aurthor Way'. It was in italics and looked really smart. Then I scribbled down a few swirly lines down the sides. I folded the corners and made it look really delicate.

"I love it," Frank replied after I moved to let him see it. "It's simple and smart," I agreed and grinned at the paper.

"Nothing else?" I asked, laying the pencil down.

"Nope," He spoke simply and smiled lightly at the roughly drawn invitation.

"Flowers?" I looked at our check list and ticked the things we had.

"Roses?" He questioned, asking for my approval.

"Too girly," I shook my head. "Daisy's?"

"Nah, too cheap," He scrunched his face up, I giggled and nodded.

After a few minutes of thinking, we both spoke. "Tulips?" Our eyes lit up at the weird timing; what's the chanmces we both say it at the same time?

"Tulips it is," I grinned and then checked the 'flowers' off my list.

"Food?" Frank asked, looking thoughtful for a moment. "We'll need the others to help with that," I also agreed and looked down at the only other thing we needed.

"The vows," I grinned, looking back up to my fiancee, feeling anm enormous amount of love fill my body.

"I love you," we both said at the same time. I lent in and began kissing his lips, the sensation of knowing his soft mouth was on my own necame over powering. I pressed back against Frank, his body falling back slowly, the kiss never breaking.

I t was at that moment, that I parted our lips and kissed my way down his neck, passing his jawline and to his pulse.

After making a purple mark across his neck, I got up from the couch and took his hand in mine. "May I?"

"You may," He nodded, clearly holding back giggles.
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I'm updating early, I don't know if I would be able to update later.

Aiden Burn's.