Be Careful What You Witch For


Where am I? Its….its dark…. Is anybody there? Why…. Why am I alone?

“Melanie!! Mel!. MELANIE!” Jesus every fricken morning.

“WHAT?” I screamed.

“Time to get up” my mother yelled. I rolled my eyes… Oh yeah. it’s a Saturday. Cleaning day as my mother calls it. I cant even sleep late on the weekends. Ugh. Here we go…Cinderella, time to clean.

I got out of bed, well more like rolled out of bed. My bed was pretty much two mattresses on the floor.. Lets just say my 17 birthday party gone out of control. Its all fun and games until the bed breaks..

I walked over to my mirror. Yuck! My hair looks like a tornado hit it. that’s the last time I’m sleeping with it down for now on its pony tail time. I grabbed my brush and attempted to straighten out those knots.

“Melanie Are you up?” My mom yelled once again. I slammed the brush on my dresser and balled my hands into fists.

“Y-E-S” I screamed stretching the word. Every weekend it’s the same thing. Mom wakes me up at nine thirty by calling my name a dozen times once I reply she leaves me alone for ten minutes then screams my name again asking if I’m awake. Then I flip out and scream yes! And she replies..

“Every time with an attitude!” every time with an attitude. I said to myself.

I put my hair in a pony tail and walked downstairs. Mom was wiping the tables down with bleach. I could tell already this was going to be an intense cleaning day. Pretty much every saturday is an intense cleaning day since neither of us have time during the week to really clean the house.

I bet she’s going to make me wipe down all the cabinets inside and out. I sighed, this is going to be a long day. I walked over to the coffee with my hand reaching towards it. “Coffee” I mumbled. Thank god for coffee, that’s all I have to say, that’s the only thing that keeps me awake on school days and early mornings. I need my daily cup of caffeine.
I poured myself a half a cup of coffee and opened the fridge to grab the French vanilla. I filled the rest of the cup with the French vanilla. I can taste the amazing vanilla ness already. I brought the coffee to my nose and smelled it before taking a sip.

“EW” I forced myself to swallow the sip I took. “UGH mom! Did you make the coffee?”

“Yeah why?” I knew it. Too damn watery! Its not strong at all. Ugh where was my dad? Making coffee was the only thing he is useful for, but of course he wasn’t home. Probably made some stupid excuse to get out of the house away from my mother.

I spilled my mothers pathetic coffee in the sink and sat on my favorite chair on the counter where the computer was. I had limited time every day on the computer because apparently I’m a computer killer. I broke the last two computers I had and now my laptop. The laptop wasn’t really my fault. The anti virus thing expired and my computer got attacked by a viruses. Well not just one, forty three. But still it wasn’t my fault how was I supposed to know that sight was a virus infested sight. I was just looking for a cool picture to put on my myspace that expresses me. Anyways, my dad tried to fix my laptop and he did but now it wont turn on. I told him its because of all the stress and work of removing all those viruses but no! it has to be Melanie's fault. Its always my fault. Now I’m stuck on this computer and I cant even be on it all day. What else am I supposed to do? My life is based on reading and computer. I rarely have a social life. The only person that I ever hang out with is my best friend Eve, and I only hang out with her every Friday. Its been a tradition for the past year, we always hang out every Friday and watch movies and snack on candy. it’s the only day of the week I’m actually excited for. Eve is the only person who ever wants to hang out with me. All my other so called friends expect me to call them and hang out, there the kind of people who talk about sex and boys 24-7 so I’m actually not missing out on much, though it would be nice to get a few phone calls once in a while.

“Melanie!?” My mom walked into the kitchen, I didn’t even realized she left. “Every morning! Straight to the computer! Get off! And help me clean” great here we go Cinderella.