Be Careful What You Witch For


What a long afternoon. I was right It was an intense cleaning Saturday. I started off cleaning my room. Dusting, vacuuming, making sure all of my clothes in my draws were folded and clean. And the worst part was stacking up my volcano of books that I have read and putting then on my moms bookcase. The bookcase in my room was already filled with books.

After my room was clean I had to help my mom make the living room and kitchen spotless. We started in the living room. My job was to sweep and spray the coffee tables
with my trusty old Windex. After that my mom cleaned the downstairs bathroom while I went off to the kitchen. I had to put the dishes in the dishwasher and then wash the sink with this stuff that made me sneeze a lot. Throughout those three hours of cleaning I grew more and more annoyed. I didn’t even eat anything and my stomach was growling. My mom got pissed off and told me to go to my room. She had enough with my “attitude.” I went to my room and slammed the door. Times like these I wish I had a lock on my door because once I got in my room my little brother Jason was sitting on my bed playing game cube! Of all the things!

“GET OUT JASON” I screamed. doesn’t he have his own room?

“Why? Mom said I can play in here?” I was about to loose it.

“You have your own room” I Said through my teeth. He smirked at me and left my room. little delinquent I thought to myself. The story of my life. Who else has a devil child who is spoiled, selfish, annoying and needs anger management?

The rest of the day went by slow. I stayed in my room and began to read this new book I bought from Borders. To Live Again. So far it was interesting. This girl named Dawn who was diagnosed with leukemia when she was thirteen, and with radiation and chemotherapy, was able to control it. Now seventeen years old Dawn suffered from a stroke. It made me wonder how thankful I am that I’m healthy but it also reminded me of my grandfather who is suffering from cancer again. I shook my head trying to think of something else. I cant read this book anymore. I threw it across the room and picked up another book. Twilight by Stephenie Meyer. I probably read this book over seven times. This is my absolute favorite book. Not only because I love books about vampires but it also shows you how anything can happen. Its not every day a vampire and a human fall in love. There struggles to keep each other safe are so moving and touching. Stephenie Meyer is clearly a genius.

I looked at my watch. Oh my six thirty. I haven’t eaten anything all day and I’m kind of hungry. I walked downstairs. I just realized I was still in my pajamas, My short sleeve gray tee shirt and my very long red striped sweat pants. My dad was sitting by the table reading his newspaper.

Without looking up he spoke “Hello to you too Melanie.”

“Hi dad.” I said simply. Our conversations are not really long. My relationship with my dad, whenever he's around, is based on Good mornings and good nights and I like it that way.

My dad and brother are only here for the week because its Jason’s birthday. My parents are divorced. I’ve gotten used to it, only seeing my brother and dad once or twice a month, since they live in New Jersey. Sometimes I wish they never split up, but I shudder to remember the days they used to fight all the time on stupid things, and I remember that its for the best.

I walked over to the computer ready to go on Aim and see if Eve is on, but my mom caught me before I even touched the key bored.

“Set the table” she said. This is why my room is the safest place to be on weekends. If I’m near her sight she will ask me to do stuff for her.

I got up and set the table waiting for my mothers next instructions but she didn’t say anything so I just sat on my chair and waited for dinner.Ten minutes later my mother put the food on the table. Mm Pork chops. My favorite.

Dinner time was always quiet for us, accept for the times my brother was hyped up on soda and he couldn’t keep his mouth shut, but thank god he was only drinking apple juice. Dinner went by fast and so did the after cleaning. I finally got to go on the computer for two hours. Then I went to sleep.


I woke up on early on Sunday morning with the confused facial expression. I had the weirdest dream last night. Scratch that. I always have weird dreams sometimes scary and others funny. This time I had a dream I was at my grandmothers house. And these ladies from Old England in there big Obnoxious puffy dresses started chasing me around the house because I was holding a purple string. Pretty odd if you ask me. I’m only thankful I haven’t had that nightmare that I used to have a year ago that made me wake up screaming.

Sundays, The day of rest also the most boring part of the week. Television was out of the questions because there is never anything good on, on Sundays. I spent my day walking around the neighborhood trying to get a tan. I walked up to my school and decided to jog for a little bit around the track. I don’t like to run, but I’m bored so I might as well get some exercise. Pathetic. I cant even run half the track without gasping for air. I am really out of shape.

I decided to walk back home, which took me a half an hour due to the scorching sun and my heart pounding out of my chest because of the running.

Once home, I took a nice long shower and decided to catch up on some of my homework. Since it’s the second week of school I didn’t really have much homework but my math teacher, I learned, loved big packets designed to keep us working for more than three hours so I guess that’s what I was going to do.

I didn’t really get that far, I ended up answering five questions and putting question marks on the rest, I’m a hard core procrastinator which is rarely a good thing.
Finally Sunday was over. It was dinner time and we had Chinese my favorite. I absolutely love fried dumplings with soy sauce. I ate with pleasure while we watched Harry Potter and The Sorcerers Stone. This had to be one of my favorite movies. When this movie first came out I always wanted be just like Hermione, a pretty, intelligent witch. I had to admit, being a witch would be fun.

After dinner I walked up to my room and decided to get an early sleep. Wonder how school is going to be tomorrow?