Be Careful What You Witch For

New day

Ring ring ring ring ring

I put my pillow over my head. 6:30 time to get up. I hate school.

Ring ring ring ring

God damn alarm clock! I pressed the off button. Time to get up.
I rolled out of bed and practically crawled to my dresser. At least my hair was behaving this morning. I combed my hair and got dressed. I usually dress casually, a pair of jeans and a tee shirt, and if its cold my favorite black hoodie. After getting dressed I grabbed my bag and walked downstairs.

I don’t usually eat anything for breakfast, just rely on my cup of coffee. My eyes widened.
There it was. My fathers strong sweet coffee calling my name I skipped towards it and poured myself a cup. Now for the French vanilla. I opened the fridge. Huh? Where was it! Don’t tell me we ran out?
I practically took everything out of the fridge to find the French vanilla, but it wasn’t there.
Typical. I put everything back in the fridge, grabbed my messenger bag and walked out the door.

I decided to walk to school today, I wasn’t in the mood for waiting for the bus. I took out my ipod from my bag and blasted the music in my ears.

A half an hour later I was in the school parking lot walking to the door. Clumsy me not looking where I was going, I bumped into this guy who was turning the corner the same time I was. We both stumbled and fell to the floor. I turned off my ipod and put it in my bag, dizzy from the fall. Maybe I should have had breakfast.

“Sorry,” He said standing up and extended his hand as if to help me up. I took his hand and stood up

“I’m sorry too I wasn’t looking where I was going.”

he looked at me and smiled “Do you know where the main office is? I just moved here.”

I nodded “yeah, ill show you where it is.”

Wow for a new student here he’s pretty gorgeous. We walked together to the Main office and Mrs. Amber waved at me. “Melanie sweaty how are you?”

“I’m fine, just showing umm?” oh what’s his name?

“Jake, Jacob Claudwell” he said.

Jake, he looks like a Jake. “Yeah, Jake where the Main office is, and here we are so ugh… ill see you later, Mrs. Amber, Jake.” I walked out. Wow, thank god I got out of there.

The late bell rang and I practically dived into my first period class. Everyone in my class looked at me like I had three heads. I really didn’t care about that. I walked over to my seat in the back of the class and sat down. Rena, my tall, bleach blonde friend passed me a note.

what is the deal with the flying into the classroom? Your never late for class? Was it a boy!!?!?!?!? No, cant be, you probably needed to get Twilight from your locker or something.

I rolled my eyes and started writing back, and passed it to Rena swiftly while Mr. Arcane wasn’t looking. She opened it sneakily under her textbook and read it.

in a matter of fact Rena, it WAS a boy.

“What!?” she whispered. “Give me details!!” she almost fell out of her chair from all the excitement. Aw god. Why didn’t I just lie and get it over with.

I ripped a piece of loose-leaf from my binder and wrote her another note, knowing that if I didn’t tell her she would bug me the whole period.

Calm down. I bumped into him this morning and he didn’t know where the main office was. I took him there, that’s why I was late. Now come on, this is my favorite subject let me at least take down some notes.

I threw the note at her and began to listen to what Mr. Arcane’s lecture. He was talking about a test next week on all the states and there capitals. Easy enough it was just memorization. Before I could write down in my notebook that there was a test sometime next week Mrs. Amber walked into the class with, oh joy, Jacob.

“Sorry to interrupt, Mr. Arcane, but you have a new addition to the class. This is Jacob Claudwell. He just moved here from Italy.”

Mr. Arcane merely sighed. “Welcome Mr. Carmen please take a seat next to Miss. Denver. Melanie raise your hand.” great I hope Rena isn’t smart enough to figure this out. I will never hear the end of it. I raised my hand and he smiled and sat next to me. Once Mrs. Amber left and Mr. Arcane began to teach again he passed me a note.

I was wondering what your name was.

I glanced at him and smiled a friendly smile and returned to taking notes.

When the bell ran I practically sprinted out of the classroom, to flee from Rena’s questions.

“Melanie!!” Why does that voice sound so familiar? I turned around to see Jake following me. What now?

“Yeah” I said and he smirked.

“Just wondering if your in any more of my classes.” He gave me his schedule and I was surprised to see he was in my Spanish, gym and chemistry class. I guess I’m going to see him everyday. Great.

The rest of the day went by fast. Spanish was boring as always, Chemistry confusing as always, Math hard as always. In lunch I talked to Eve about Jake and she said he was in her math and English class and he seemed nice. Maybe I should talk to him more..

After school me and Eve went our separate ways. I took out my ipod once again and blasted the music.

By the time I got home I was out of breath and dying of heat. Thank god my mom had the sprinkler on. I dropped my books and my ipod on the floor and ran into the sprinkler.

“Having fun?” A husky voice asked. I turned around to see Jake standing on the sidewalk in front of my house.

“Stalker.” I said glaring at him. He raised his hands palms facing me and shook his head.

“No, I was as surprised as you are, neighbor.” He smiled and pointed to the house across the street from me. I remembered that three days ago the for sale sign was taken down. Now I know why.

“Oh..” I didn’t know what else to say. I suddenly remembered I was still standing in the middle of my lawn getting sprayed by the sprinkler and I was shivering. I stepped off the lawn and grabbed my books and ipod from the floor and looked at Jake. “Be right back” He nodded.