Be Careful What You Witch For


I got inside and threw my books and ipod on my bed. I opened my draw and grabbed the first jeans and tee shirt I found in front of me and went to the bathroom to change. Five minutes later after I changed and combed my wet hair I walked back outside to see Jake standing right where I left him.

“Hey” I said walking towards him.

“Hey” he smiled.

“So” I started “You moved here from Italy?”

“yes” he said simply “My father got a job here in New York so we had to move here.”

“We as in?” I wanted to here more about him and his family.

“My father, mother, older brother and twin sister.”

“Twin? Then why wasn’t she in school?”

“ Yes Josephine she wasn’t feeling well.”

“I see” older brother and a sister. Id like to meet them. “And your brother?”

“His name is Adam and he is in college, his freshman year.”

“ interesting.” it really was and I haven’t the faintest clue why.

He smirked “So can I ask some questions now?”

“Sure.” Did my questions bother him?

“You live with…?” He trailed off so I can answer.

“My mother.” I said simply, but I’m sure, like always, this is going to lead to ‘and your father?’ I closed my eyes knowing it was coming.

“What does your mother do for a living?” My eyes opened and I looked at him, confused why he didn’t ask what everyone always does. He just waited quietly for me to answer.

“She’s a history professor she works at a fancy school in the City so I barely see her on weekdays., since she has to wake up around four in the morning so she wont catch traffic. She mostly stays after school for extra help and by the time she comes home its about seven.”

“So your pretty much home alone accept for the weekends?”

“Yeah, though I would rather have it that way, I like being alone.” That seemed to amuse him.

“Your saying your never lonely? I for one would be if I was an only child” aha! I new it was coming. It always does.

“Actually I’m not an only child” I pointed out “I have a younger brother Jason, But he lives with my Father in New Jersey.”

“Your parents are divorced. I’m sorry.” He really did look sorry.

“Don’t worry about it, It was a long time ago, ancient history.” I smiled and he smiled as well.

He looked down, seeming to be lost in thought and we were both silent for a couple of moments until “JACOB!!!” a girl with long brown curly hair skipped across the street to where Jake and I were standing.

“Jo you seem to feel better.” He smirked.

“Yes quite.” They stared at each other for an immeasurable moment and I felt like there were keeping something from me. Finally Jake faced me.

“Jo this is Melanie, Melanie this is Josephine my sister.”

Josephine smiled “Nice to meet you Melanie.”

“Likewise Josephine.”

“Due call me Jo or anything but Josephine, I despise my full name.” I laughed and she joined in.

“All right, can I call you Joey?”

She nodded “Yes yes please, and call I can I call you Mel”

His sister seemed really nice. I realized she was as short as me 5’4 with long brown hair in two brades falling all the way down to her lower back. She was even tinier than me. Her brother on the other hand, even though being her twin was about 5’7 with light brown hair. His eyes were the best of his features I must say. A light green that sparkled with the sun. I could almost get lost in them, which is why I looked down.

“Mel you want to come over? Quite frankly its boring out here plus I want to show you my room!” I looked up to see Joey smiling widely waiting for my answer. I looked at Jake and he was smiling as well. I nodded knowing I might regret it later. Joey grabbed my hand and half dragged me to her house. She was short and tiny but I underestimated her strength.

The Claudwell's house was beautiful. Though they just moved in they already had all there items in place. We walked threw the kitchen quietly and then Joey guided me to the stairs. She let go of my hand then so I can properly walk up the stairs, as Jake followed behind me. Once up the stairs I followed her down the hallway into a beautiful room. I knew at once it was hers. The walls were a light pink color and the room was so tidy it made my room look like a tornado hit it. She only had two pieces of furniture and her bed so there was a lot of room to move around. She sat on her bed and motioned for me to sit next to her while Jake leaned against the wall.

“You like it?” Joey finally spoke as she sat comfortably on her bed.

“Its you.” I said smiling.

“Everyone says that!” She laughed and I joined in still in awe of her room. Joey Stopped laughing suddenly only to answer her phone that was vibrating.

“Hello?….oh hey dad!….oh yeah sorry I forgot… really? Your outside the house already? Okay ill be there in a minute bye” Joey snapped the phone shut. “Sorry Mel apparently I have a doctors appointment so I got to run. It was great meeting you”

“It was great meeting you too Joey” She smiled and walked silently out of her room. I was a little confused if I should get up and leave or not but Jake was staring at me smiling.

“Would you like to see the rest of the house?” He asked moving away from the wall and towards the door. I didn’t answer merely got up from the bed and began to follow him. He pointed to the room opposite Joey’s.

“Adams room” He then pointed to the room farthest down the hall “My parents room.” Then he grabbed my hand gently and led me down the hallway to the opposite side of his parents room.

“My room” He said while opening the door. His room was even more interesting then Joey’s. His walls were painted tan and he had a flat screen TV in it. I opened my mouth stunned. He followed my gaze to the TV and smiled.

“I won it in a contest aren’t I lucky?” I walked towards the window and looked outside. From his window he could clearly see my bedroom. I smiled at that. Jake walked up next to me and looked out the window as well.

“Admiring the scenery?” He smiled. He probably knew what I was thinking which was kind of scary. “All right.” he turned from the window to face me. “Hungry?”

I laughed “Why are you going to cook?”

he grinned “Well I must admit, I am a pretty good cook.” he paused “Come on Ill let you pick” With that he took my hand once again and led me downstairs to the kitchen and motioned for me to sit on the stool by the counter. “I can make pancakes or spaghetti or..” he opened the fridge “Cheesecake?”

“you can make cheesecake?” I asked dumbfounded. He laughed “No silly there’s some in the fridge.”

“oh..” I said embarrassed “Ill have that then”

“Sure thing.” He took the cheesecake out of the fridge and opened the cupboard to grab a plastic plate. He cut evenly one piece of cheesecake and placed it on the plate and handed it to me. “Thank you.” He handed me a fork and I picked at the cheesecake before eating it.

“Don’t you want any?” I asked before eating a piece.

He shook his head “Not hungry but go on eat, ill be right back.” He left the kitchen and I kept eating my cheesecake. By the time he came back I was almost done with it. He had a box in his hands and he smiled gently at me. “This is for you.” He said handing me the small box.

I tilted my head in confusion. “Why are you giving me this?” I barely even knew him! I just met him today.

“Well the truth is, today at school when I first bumped into you I was awestruck.” he looked down embarrassed “Your eyes, I couldn’t stop gazing into them and your friendly smile, the way you talk to me and feel comfortable in my presence.” He looked up to meet my eyes “I got this necklace..” He paused, as if to put his words in order. “..from Italy a year ago knowing I would give it to the person I cared about most. I decided I wanted to give it to you, as a promise that I will always be your friend and always be here to protect you.” I held the box in my hands and opened it not knowing what else to do. True it was a little weird him giving me this necklace the first day we met, but it truth I wasn’t scared and it didn’t feel awkward. When I was around Jake, even though this was the first time, I actually felt safe and like I have known him for forever. Once opened the most beautiful necklace rested inside of it. It was a crimson triangular shaped crest with symbols which I did not understand . I looked at Jacob.

“Let me help you put it on” He said walking behind me. I gently took the necklace out of the box and held it up so he can put it on me. He swiftly brushed my hair to the side so it wasn’t in the way. His touch made me shiver slightly but I handed him the necklace and he clipped it In place.

“There” He whispered walking back around the counter to face me “It looks lovely on you.” He smiled and I flushed.

“Promise me” He spoke gently “Promise me you will leave it on.”

“I promise I will never take it off.” I said looking into his beautiful green eyes. He kept my gaze for god knows how long until finally he set me free looking at the clock. I gasped and looked at my watch. 6:30 already, my mother would be home soon.

He understood right away. “See you tomorrow at school.”

He opened the front door for me “Yes tomorrow.” I smiled and walked out the door across the street to my house.

Twenty five minutes later with my exceptionally fast cooking abilities dinner was done. I didn’t feel like eating since I had that cheesecake an hour before so I went upstairs In my room for an early bedtime. I changed into my pajamas brushed my hair and closed the lights. I let myself peak out the window just once but his lights were off and I sighed. I wasn’t sure if he liked me that way, but I definitely had a crush on him. He made me feel at ease. I really did feel like he was protecting me, but from what? With the question still in my head I drifted off into sleep.