Be Careful What You Witch For


Ring ring ring ring

I woke up with a start and turned off my alarm clock. Today I was actually happy to go to school. I jumped out of bed went to my dresser to comb my hair. Today I decided to have it in a ponytail. I grabbed a pair of jeans and my favorite green tee-shirt and went in in the bathroom to get dressed and brush my teeth. Once out I went back in my room, threw my pajamas on my bed and put on my converse. My mom, of course, was already long gone so I had the house to myself once again. I walked down the stairs and plopped a slice of toast in the toaster while I made myself a cup of coffee. My day was going great so far, there was French vanilla in the fridge.

The toaster beeped and I grabbed my toast and took a bite. I looked at the time and it was 7:10, great I was taking my sweet time so I already missed the bus, which means I had to walk to school, well not walk, jog because I wasn’t going to make it in time. I took another bite of my toast and a sip of my coffee and grabbed my bag and walked out the door and what do you know? Its raining. Great. I was too engrossed in my own little world that I didn’t even realize it was pouring outside. Well What can I do? Just got to run. Before I could take a step from under the safety of my house a car beeped at me from across the street. A tall man ran from his house to mine a few feet away from me.

“Your Melanie I take it. I’m Adam, Jake and Jo’s older brother.” he smiled. He looked like Jakes older brother. He has the same eyes.

For a moment he left my gaze and glanced quickly at the necklace Jake gave me yesterday. His expression was incoherent to me, yet a second later he met my gaze again.

“Hi Adam.” I said still confused why he ran across the street while it was raining outside just to say hi to me.

“Hey, from the looks of it your running late for school. Do you want a ride? Since you missed the bus? I’m sure you don’t want to walk in the rain.”

My savior. I nodded and he smiled and lead me to his car across the street. It was a green Jeep. He sat in the drivers seat and quickly unlocked the door for me so I can get in. He put the heat on and drove out of his driveway towards the way to my school.

“So, you met my little sister and brother huh?”

“Yes, there very nice.”

“Yeah they are, from what they told me you are as well. Joey is quite fond of you.” He smiled. What about Jake? I thought.

“ Jake” He paused “ Seems very happy to have bumped into you at school.”

Wow my mouth was wide open in surprise. Its like he read my mind! That was freaky. From the side of his face I could have sworn I saw him smirk.

We were at the school now and he turned into the parking lot to drop me off.

“Thanks for the ride.” I got out of the car and ran towards the main doors .Thanks to Adam I had ten minutes to spare so I walked casually to my locker to grab the books I needed for first period. The first warning bell rang and I ran up the stairs to the third floor where my history class was and once again I made it there in the nick of time. Mr. Arcane didn’t even bother to acknowledge me as I sat in my seat. Jake was there sitting next to me smiling. He passed me a note.

Will you walk home with me today?

I passed the note back to him.

I would love to.

Satisfied with my response he went back to copying the notes Mr. Arcane was writing on the board. History went by fast as did Spanish and Chemistry but Math was always the hardest. I just didn’t get it. My brain doesn’t take in all those weird Greek letters. After a horrible math period I went to lunch. Eve was waiting in our usual seats. I sat next to her and sighed.

“Hard day in math?” She guessed.

I nodded “I just don’t get it!” She opened her mouth to answer but stopped because something caught her attention behind me. I turned around to see Josephine walking towards us.

“Hey Mel!” She said sitting next to me.

“Hey Joey.” I smiled and looked at Eve “Eve, this is Joey she just moved here from Italy and Joey this is Eve my best friend.”

“Hey Joey nice to meet you.” Eve smiled.

“Right back at you Eve”

Lunch went by pretty Fast. Eve and Joey got to know each other and we talked about books we have read over the summer. The only thing me and Eve ever talked about were books, and I was happy to learn that Joey read quite a few that we were talking about.

After school was over I walked casually to my locker to put away all my books that I didn’t need and also getting the books I needed for homework. I closed my locker and Jake was standing right there next to me. I gasped in surprise and he smiled.

“Did I frighten you?” He seemed amused.

“No” I lied.

“So are you ready?” I nodded and began to walk towards the main doors. He walked next to me unusually close as we exited the school and began to walk home. It was sunny outside now, I guess it was only passing showers.

“Where’s Joey?” I asked wondering why she wasn’t walking home with us.

“She’s staying after to try out for Tennis.”

“She plays tennis?” I asked surprised.

“Yes, why you surprised?” he laughed.

“No” I looked down embarrassed since he was staring at me while we walked.

“She seems like a person who plays tennis.” I let out a small chuckle realizing what I said didn’t really make any sense.

He laughed “You think so?”

We walked the rest of the way home without a word. I wanted to break the silence but I couldn’t think of a good enough conversation to bring up and Jake looked like he was lost in thought so I didn’t want to interrupt. I badly wanted to hear his voice again before we parted (since we were a block away from home now) so I opened my mouth to ask him the first thing that popped into my head. Before I could ask him though, He spoke instead.

“Would you like to come over again today or can I have a tour of your house?”

It was fair, yesterday I went over his house so today he should come over mine.

“If you’d like you can come over.” I smiled slightly.

“I would love to, thank you.”

I suddenly remembered the house wasn’t even clean not to mention my room. How was I going to stall him?

We were on our block and he stopped walking in front of me. He smiled and gazed into my eyes for a moment before speaking. “Ill go home and put my things down. I have to call my mom and tell her ill be across the street so ill be over in a half an hour.”

“Okay see you then” Wow can he read my mind or something? At least I can clean the house a little bit now.

Once he went into his house I closed the door and started cleaning the living room. I washed my moms mug from this morning and mine as well. I sprayed the counters and table with Windex and swept the floor. When I was satisfied with the kitchen and living room and ran upstairs in my room and made my bed. I threw my pajamas and any other clothes lying on the floor in the laundry and all of my shoes and stuffed animals in the closet. I didn’t want anyone to know I still had stuffed animals in my bedroom. I opened the blinds and then went to clean my moms room. Her bed was already made so all I really had to do was put her clothes in the laundry and open up the blinds. I walked down the stairs with a sigh of relief and sat on the couch waiting for Jake to arrive.

A minute and thirty seconds later he rang the doorbell. Yes…I was counting. I skipped to the door and opened it, inviting him in.

“Hey” I said smiling.

“Hey there” He smiled back.

“So you want a tour?” I asked and he nodded.

“Okay then this is the living room, not much here” I led him to the kitchen “And this is the kitchen there’s the fridge, table, computer and yeah well that’s it for the first floor.” Our house wasn’t really that interesting.

“On the contrary.” he said quietly and I got confused. What was he talking about?

“Hm?” I asked wondering what he meant.

“Oh…Just talking to myself sorry.” He spoke fast like he was hiding something, but I let it slide.

“All right that’s the first floor. To the bedrooms!” I added a little to much enthusiasm.

He laughed. I led him upstairs and to the right where my mothers room was I didn’t open the door merely pointed there.

“My mothers room.” I then walked to the opposite side of the hallway where two rooms were.

“The bathroom” I pointed to the door across from my room. “And this is my room” I opened my door and led him in. I imagine the first thing he saw was my bed because he let out a small chuckle. My eyes met his then he looked at my bed again. I sighed.

“Don’t ask.” I sat on my bed and he followed sitting next to me. “My room isn’t really as interesting as yours just a mattress on the floor my closet and my dresser.”

He casually put his right arm around me “Don’t worry I find it fascinating.”

I laughed. “Whatever you say.”

He removed his arm from around my shoulders and laid back on my bed with a sigh. “It might be just two mattresses on the floor but I have to admit its comfy.” He said.

I laughed and laid back beside him. He glanced at me and raised an eyebrow and I looked at him confused. He smirked and poked my waist. I jumped which embarrassed me because I was very ticklish, and I think he just found that out. Great. He leaned closer to me and I scooted to the left. He smirked again and began to tickle my waist. I laughed and begged him to stop.

“No way” was his answer and he pinned me down and kept tickling me. All I could do was endure the tickles.
Thank god his phone rang and I was saved. “Hey Jo. Yeah I’m at Melanie’s…. what? No fair! But its your turn….. Oh all right fine ill be over in a minute. bye.” He shut the phone and grimaced.

“What’s the matter?” I asked.

“Jo has a concert to go to tonight and I’m stuck with the chores.” he sighed.

“that sucks.” I admitted and he laughed.

“Well then tomorrow its your turn to come over.” He got up from my bed as did I. We both walked downstairs and I opened the front door for him. He paused before leaving and leaned over to gently kiss my cheek.

“See you tomorrow” He whispered in my ear. I was to surprised to answer so I just nodded and he left. I watched him cross the street to his house and then I closed the door. He kissed me.

I walked back up to my room and collapsed on the bed. My heart was ready to fly out of my chest. I felt my cheeks flush with embarrassment as I remembered. I couldn’t wait until school tomorrow I wanted to see him again. I ran downstairs and made myself a bowl of cereal. I ate quickly put the bowl in the dishwasher and ran back upstairs to my room. I took a quick shower, and got dressed then laid on my bed. It was only four. I sighed this wasn’t going to work, it was too early to go to sleep. I glanced over on my night stand and saw Twilight. Maybe it was time to read it again. I never got bored of that book. I reached over and grabbed the book and turned to page one.