Stay Still


“Wow, looks pretty good guys.” I said as I looked around the living room. Eric, Mike and Matt were all spread out on the couch and chair. They looked exhausted, which wasn’t hard to believe seeing as they all had hangovers and just cleaned my entire house.

“Can we be done now?” Mike whined.

“Just one more thing…” I trailed off as they all groaned. I laughed, “Just kidding.”

“Good, cause I told Beau we’d meet him at my place in a half hour.” Mike said and sprung to his feet. Apparently he’d gotten a second wind and was now all excited. “You guys are gonna love him.”

“Is he hot?” Brittany asked, suddenly appearing at my side. Mike shrugged.

“What are you even asking for? I thought you were in love with Craig.” I reminded her. Craig was the bands former lead singer. We were all still good friends with him but didn’t get to see him very often.

“I am! I was asking for you.” Brittany replied innocently. Matt and Eric both scowled at her. I just shook my head and went to find Heather.

“Hey, what are you doing?” I asked when I found her sitting on the back porch, looking thoughtful.

“I was just thinking.” she answered.

“Bout what?”

“Remember last night when Mike tried to give me a lap dance?”

I giggled at the memory. “Yes.”

“Well, I think I kinda enjoyed it.”

My eyes widened, “Are you saying you like Mike?”

“Maybe. So what if I am?” she said defensively.

“Are you gonna tell him?”

“I don’t know. He always has some girl sleeping over. And isn’t he dating that redhead?” She looked down at the ground sadly.

“She cheated on him a couple weeks ago. As far as I know he hasn’t started seeing anyone else. Do you want me to talk to him for you?” I asked. I was more than willing to get the two of them together. They were so perfect for each other. I’d always thought so but no one else had ever shared my opinion.

“If you want. Just don’t tell him I like him ok?”

“Okay. I’ll just find out how he feels about you.” I said, grinning.


“Hey Mike, can I talk to you for a minute?” I asked when Heather and I walked back into the living room.

“I didn’t do it!” he exclaimed.

“I know, I wasn’t… Wait, what didn’t you do?” I looked around the room, looking for something broken.

“Nothing. I just thought you were gonna yell at me for something.”

Rolling my eyes, I motioned for him to follow me and went to the kitchen. Opening the cabinet, I reached for a glass from the top shelf. Before my hand could close over it someone else’s did.

“You shouldn’t be stretching like that.” Mike scolded me. I just looked at him with a confused expression. “The baby.” he said as if I should know what the heck he’s talking about.

“I don’t think I can do anything to a three week old fetus by stretching.” I told him and took the glass out of his hand. “Anyway, I want to talk to you about Heather.” I said, getting right to the point.

“What about her?”

“How do you feel about her?” I asked, watching his reaction.

He got a small smile on his face and looked towards the other room. “I don’t know. She’s sweet, hot, funny. I guess I have a little bit of a crush on her.” he mused, hopping up on the counter.

“Just a crush?” I leaned next to his legs as I sipped the iced tea I’d just poured.

He thought for a minute. “I’m not sure. I think I’ll ask her out, see where it goes. Think that’s a good idea?” He looked down at me as I grinned up at him.

“I think that’s a great idea.”