Stay Still

Phone Call

I was laying in bed waiting for Eric to come back from getting us some food when my phone started blasting “Party In Your Bedroom” by Cash Cash. I laughed at how ironic that was and then snatched my phone off the dresser. It was my sister.

“Hey lady! What’s up?!” I yelled into the phone. I got loud when I was excited.

“Ow, jeez, do you have to shout?” She asked, laughing at me.

“Sorry. I’m just so excited to talk to you! I miss you so much!” I said.

“I miss you too.”

“Are you having fun? Have you done anything besides have sex?” I asked.

“You are retarded. Of course we have. We went to the beach and went dancing and…” she trailed off.

“That’s it?” I laughed.

“Oh shut up. What’s been going on over there? I miss you so much and the guys too. I can’t wait to come home to all of your drama.” She giggled.

I groaned. “I don’t know why. I would love to switch places with you right now.”

“Ha, that wouldn’t be awkward at all.” She said very sarcastically. I imagined her laying in bed the same as I was but waiting for someone completely different. Yes, that would be quite awkward.

“As if I haven’t seen Jared naked before.” I teased.

“Yeah sure. You wish.”

The rest of our conversation went on much the same. I told her about my break down earlier today and about Beau and Mike and Heather. Eric came back while we were still talking and handed me a bag from Taco Bell.

“Oh my god. I love you so much!” I yelled.

“I love you too.” Acacia answered me and I laughed.

“I wasn’t actually talking to you but I do love you. I have to go though. Eric just brought me tacos and I’m starving.”

“Okay, fine, leave me for your tacos. I understand.”

“Hey, I have to feed your little one too ya know.” I reminded her.

“Oh yeah! Oh god, he’s going to be addicted to Mexican food just like you isn’t he?” she groaned.

“You know it.” I said, mouth full. We said goodbye then and Eric yelled goodbye and “I love you” into the phone before I hung up. She yelled it back to him and I closed my phone. “She loves you too.” I told him.

“She better.” Was his response. I just rolled my eyes at him and continued to eat. "You're so adorable." he said after a while.

"Why?" I asked.

He shrugged. "You just are."

"Well, you're kinda adorable too." I told him. He grinned and reached for me. I moved into his arms and snuggled in. "I love you." I whispered.

"I love you too." he answered as he stroked my hair.

"How much?"

"Very much."

"Enough to watch Peter Pan with me again?" I grinned up at him.

He groaned but allowed me to get up and put it in. I ran back to the bed and jumped in next to him. I scootched down into the covers, getting excited. I loved this movie.
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Sorry about all the dialog but it was necessary.