Stay Still

The Mall

It had now been one week since I had my little 'episode.' I was feeling much better now that my sister was home but I knew that worse was coming. I was finally over the morning sickness but I could now detect a bump on my torso. The first morning I woke up and saw it, I broke down crying. I knew that it was vain of me to be so upset but hey, I'm a woman, a teenager in fact, I can't help it. Later that day I had decided to just get over the fact that I was going to become fat. I talked to Eric about it and he had made me feel better by saying that he would love me no matter what. He'd even gone as far as saying that he thought I was gonna look pretty sexy. I knew that he was either lying to make me feel better or just delusional but it didn't matter. He still made me feel better, like always.

I decided that day that I was going to need some maternity clothes. I hadn't felt like going then but now that it was a Friday night, and I was sitting here in my living room all alone, I kinda felt like going where there would be people. The guys were all busy with band practice, Acacia and Heather had gone to see some movie, which I hadn't really wanted to see, and Brittany was in Vegas with Craig. I needed something to do so this was the perfect time to go shopping. I should add that I really hated shopping by myself but I didn't want to shop for fat people clothes with my friends. I didn't want to shop for fat people clothes period but oh well.

I turned off the movie I had been watching and went upstairs to shower and get dressed. I put on my favorite pair of skinny jeans seeing as I wasn't going to be able to wear them for much longer. I grabbed my phone, wallet and keys and left the house. I left a note on the door saying where I had gone, just in case some of the guys came over and wondered. Even though they could just text me and find out where I was. I just liked leaving notes for people.

I drove along, singing to whatever was on the radio, which happened to be Owl City at the moment. The mall was only about ten minutes from my house so I got there pretty quick. I parked near the Macy's entrance and went inside. I suddenly realized just how much I hated being in this place by myself. There were couples everywhere and girls walking around arm in arm. I grabbed my phone from my pocket and texted Acacia.

At the mall.
Don't wanna be by myself anymore.
Come when your movie is over?

I slid my phone back in my pocket and went to the food court to get a smoothie. I was just going to walk around and window shop until Acacia and Heather came to save me from my solitude. I walked along sipping my smoothie, glancing in different windows. I was looking at a jacket in Pacific Sunwear's window and still walking when I smacked into something hard. Oddly enough this 'something' had arms which were now around my waist so that I didn't fall backward. I looked up at a very hot emo kid.

"I'm sorry. I wasn't paying attention." I apologized. I then realized that he still had his hands on my hips. I took two very distinct steps back and he let his hands fall to his sides.

"It's fine. I wasn't looking either. My name is Alex." he informed me, holding out his hand.

"Rachel." I told him and shook his hand.

"Are you alone Rachel?" he asked me, looking around and obviously not seeing anyone with me.

"Um, at the moment yes. I'm gonna be meeting some friends though."

"Just friends?" He asked. He was very blunt and I wasn't sure I liked it or not.

"Yes, just friends. My boyfriend had other plans tonight." I told him pointedly.

He got a disappointed look on his face and nodded. "Well, since we seem to both be wandering around by ourselves would you like to wander together? Maybe get something to eat?" He asked.

I thought about it for a minute and since I couldn't think of a reason not to I nodded. "I could go for a taco right about now." I said.

He grinned, "Awesome. Taco Bell is probably one of the greatest places on Earth."

I just looked at him. "You have no idea how much I love you for saying that." I said sincerely.

"Enough to dump your boyfriend and be mine?" he asked. I could tell he was joking but that there was also a glimpse of hope on his face.

"No, sorry." I quickly dashed that hope.

He gave me a pouty face but didn't bring it up again. We got our tacos and found somewhere to sit. As we ate he asked me question after question. It seemed like he wanted to know everything there was to know about me. Why, I had no idea but I proceeded to answer his questions without hesitating, throwing in my own here and there. I learned that he was from New Jersey and had just moved to Arizona a couple months ago. We went to the same school but he was a junior which was why I had never seen him before. He hadn't really made any friends so far and so I invited him over to hang out with the guys. They would like him even if they were upset with me for bringing home another lost soul, but hey, that was how we got to be friends with Mike. Why should this be any different?
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I decided that I wanted to bring my own random, made up character into this story. I hope everyone is okay with that. I love him!! He's gonna play a pretty big part in this I think so stay tuned!

Rachel's Outfit

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And I just want to thank everyone who is already subscribed! I love you guys!!

Here's a pic of Alexander