Stay Still


"Those people had no idea how lucky they were." I said to Alex as we sat on my couch, watching some stupid movie on the Lifetime channel. The girl had gotten pregnant by the love of her life when she was 17 and the rest of the movie was just about the two of them finding jobs and raising their child together.

Alex looked over and smiled at me. "You're lucky too you know." He told me as he laid a hand over my now bulging stomach. It had been three months since the first day I met Alex. He'd become my best friend in those months and now we were rarely ever apart. The guys had all quickly accepted him and Acacia treated him like her child, which he liked.

I looked down at my stomach and smiled to myself. Just five more months to go and I could go back to my normal boring life. Except I would have a little niece or nephew in the picture. I thought about what Alex had just said and realized he was right. I had a huge family that I loved and even though I wasn't having a baby through the man that I loved, I was still grateful that I could do this for my sister. She had already started working on the nursery in her and Jared's house. She'd picked green, blue and turquoise as her colors since they were Jared, Matt and my favorites. She'd even thrown in a little red for Eric. She said that black was too depressing for a baby so she told Mike that he could buy him some black clothes or something.

"I know, you're right. I am lucky." I said, smiling at him. Just then the phone rang. I threw the blanket that had been covering my legs off of me and onto Alex and ran to the hallway. I really needed to invest in a cordless phone. I picked it up on the fourth ring. "Hello?"

"It's your mother." My mom said in her "mom voice".

"Hi Momma." I said sweetly. My voice sounded a little strange to me. I hadn't talked to my mother since I'd found out I was pregnant and I was a little nervous.

"What the hell is going on with you and your sister? Neither one of you are answering your phones and you haven't called me in months!" She yelled. I held the phone slightly away from my ear until I was sure she was finished.

"I'm sorry Mom, things have been pretty crazy lately."

"I don't care if things are crazy! You take the time to call your mother!" She yelled again. "Well, it doesn't matter anymore. Your father and I are coming this weekend and I expect the house to be clean and ready. You tell the boys I said so as well." she said and then hung up.

I looked down at the phone in horror. My parents were coming and I hadn't told them I was pregnant yet. I dropped the phone and yelled for Alex. He came running.

"What? What is it?" He asked frantically.

"My parents are coming home." I told him and then glared when he started laughing. "It is so not funny! They don't know about this yet!" I said, gesturing to my stomach.

He immediately stopped laughing. "Oh wow. Sorry. I laughed cause what I was expecting you to say was much worse. But, yeah, that's pretty bad. What are you gonna do?" he asked.

I stood there, thinking for a minute. "I have no idea. I gotta call Matt." I said and picked the phone up once again.
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