Stay Still

Best Friends

"Where have you been?! I've been trying to call you for the past two hours!" I basically attacked Brittany as soon as she walked in the door.

"I'm sorry! I was working!" She said and walked past me into the living room where the rest of our friends were. I wondered if she had even listened to my million messages. I followed her into the living room and sat down next to Eric, laying my head on his shoulder. Mike was sitting on the floor in front of the TV, completely absorbed in some MTV reality show.

"Why do you watch this shit?" Jared asked from his place on the love seat. He was stretched across the entire thing, his long legs hanging over the side. I waited for Mike to explain himself but he hadn't seemed to hear the question. A few minutes later Acacia came downstairs, finally done cleaning. She stood in the entryway, hands on hips, watching all of us.

"What do you guys think you're doing?" She demanded in her version of our mom's "mom voice".

"What are you talking about?" I asked looking over at her innocently.

"We have work to do! We have to get to the mall before it closes! Heather, Brittany, let's go!" She shouted as she walked towards the front door.

"She is so hot when she's bossy." Jared remarked. I gave him a grossed out look and followed after my sister.


Heather, Brittany and I followed Acacia around the mall as she dragged us into almost every store there. We were now in "Women's World". A store meant for plus size women. I hated the fact that I was shopping in here but comforted myself with the fact that it would only be for a few months. I was trying to get over my vanity. Acacia kept throwing clothes at me until finally my arms were completely full.

"Go try those on and come out and show us." She demanded. I was starting to become very annoyed at her attitude.

"What if I don't want to?" I asked, sticking my tongue out at her childishly.

"Do it anyway."

I rolled my eyes. She was gonna be an awesome mom. I took the gigantic pile of clothes into the dressing room and proceeded to model everything for my three best friends. By the time I was finished I had 10 new outfits, all extremely huge on me, but that was the point. I checked out and walked out of the store with three bags in my hands. Heather, Brittany and Acacia each took a bag and we started walking again.

"Guys, I seriously need to sit down." I begged as I trailed behind them.

"Okay. Let's get some tacos." Heather suggested and we all agreed.

Acacia led me over to a table in the food court and Britt and Heather went to get the food. I laid my head down on the table, completely exhausted.

"I'm sorry I'm being a jerk." Acacia apologized.

I tilted my head to the side to look up at her. "It's alright. I know you're just trying to help."

She smiled. "I just feel like since you're basically going through all of this for me I should do something. Even if it's small."

"I know and I appreciate it a lot. You're a really good big sister." I told her and leaned over to hug her.

"Well, I try." she said, laughing a little.

"Aw. You guys are so cute." Heather said as her and Brittany sat down with the trays.

"Oh shut up and give me my taco." I said, reaching for it.

"Gosh. One minute you're so sweet and innocent and then the next..." Brittany trailed off as she slid my taco across the table.

"If that had fallen..." I also trailed off, giving her a death glare which she returned.

"Alright. Enough you two. Kiss and make up." Heather commanded.

I grinned and leaned across the table to kiss Britt on the nose. She just looked at me shocked and for a brief moment I was terrified for my life.

"Pregnant!" I reminded her, pointing to my stomach.

She sighed. "You better be happy you are."

I placed my hand on my stomach protectively. At the moment I was pretty happy actually.