Stay Still


I couldn't believe how well they were taking it. I sat at the kitchen table and watched my parent's faces as I told them that I was pregnant. Matt sat on my one side, gripping my hand under the table. Acacia sat on the other side with her arm protectively around my shoulders. My mother's face went from shocked to kind of angry and then settled to a small smile. The smile was what was scaring the crap out of me. My dad's face didn't change much. He just sat there staring at the wall behind me. Neither of them were saying anything and I had run out of words to say. I looked at Acacia, silently begging for help.

"Guys? Are you alright?" She asked our parents.

"How far along are you?" My mom asked, looking at my stomach for the first time.

"About 6 months." I answered, mentally cringing.

"Why didn't you tell us before?"

I shrugged. "I was scared I guess." I realized what a lame excuse that was but it was all I had.

"Scared of what?" My Dad asked, finally looking at me.

"Disappointing you I suppose." I shrugged again.

"Aw, baby. You could never disappoint us. You're eighteen years old. It's not that huge of a deal. I do wish you had waited till you were married but we all make mistakes." Dad reached over and took my free hand in both of his.

"So you're not angry?" I asked, still worried.

"No, of course we're not angry. We just wish you had told us earlier." My Mom answered. "And you're sure it's Matthew's?" she asked, looking over at him.

I felt him flinch. "Yes, I'm sure." I answered. I was about to add the fact that I wasn't a slut but then I remembered the night in the tree house with Eric and kept my mouth shut. I had been pregnant before that though so I knew it was definitely Matt's.

"Alright, well, do you two have a plan?" My father asked.

Matt finally spoke up. "Yes. We're not going to keep him."

"Jared and I are taking him." Acacia said. She had already told them about not being able to have children the day she found out.

"Good idea. Alright well, since that's all taken care of, your father and I are going to go lie down for a while. It has been a very long day." My mother stood up from her chair and walked off towards the stairs. Smiling, my Dad stood, kissed the top of mine and Acacia's heads, and then followed our mother.

"Well, that went a whole lot better than I expected." I stated as I breathed a huge sigh of relief.

"Told ya." My sister grinned at me and got up to go see what Jared was doing, leaving me alone with Matt.

I got up from the table and walked over to the fridge. As I bent down, reaching for a snapple, I felt something strange kick my abdomen. I stood back up quickly and clutched my stomach.

Matt was by my side in seconds. "What's wrong?" he asked, panic evident in his voice. He led me over to a chair and pushed me down into it.

"I'm not sure. I just..." I trailed off as I felt it again. "Holy crow! He's kicking me!" I yelled excitedly. I grabbed Matt's hand and pressed it to my stomach where I thought he would be able to feel it. We both stared at each other, waiting. Matt jumped up when he felt it.

"Holy shit." He breathed as he ran a hand through his hair. I grinned up at him as he smiled back and kneeled down next to me again. He put his hand back where it had been and we waited again. This time, when he felt it, he stayed where he was. Leaning his head onto my stomach he started whispering to the baby. I couldn't hear everything he was saying but I didn't want to ask and interrupt the moment he was having. This was one of the most incredible things that had ever happened to either of us. I knew that if Matt could have it his way, we would have many more, just like this. It wasn't up to him though, and there was nothing I could do to change that. I was glad that I could at least give him this.