Stay Still

It's Time

The pain was unbearable. I had never felt anything like it before in my life. I thought I was dying. I rolled over in bed and almost screamed out loud. At least I thought it was just almost. My dad came bursting into my room though so I guessed I had actually screamed. It had been almost three months since my parents had come for a visit. They'd ended up staying so that my Mom could help me through the last few month of being pregnant.

My dad sat down on the side of the bed and pushed the hair out of my face. I heard some inhuman noise coming from some where and tried to sit up to find it but then realized that it was coming from my own mouth. I clutched my stomach and continued groaning.

"Baby, what's wrong? Is it the baby? Is he okay?" My father asked frantically as he pulled me half onto his lap. I moaned some more, unable to answer him. He rocked me back and forth for a few minutes until finally the pain started to subside. It was then that I realized my underwear was completely soaked.

"Oh shit!" I yelled and jumped out of bed. "Mom!" I screamed as my dad just sat there looking at me. He looked scared and confused. My mother came running within seconds.

"What is it?" She looked from me to my father.

"My water just broke." I explained.

"Jesus, why didn't you just say so?!" My dad yelled. He jumped up and went over to the closet to grab the suitcase that my mom had made me pack a week ago. "Let's go." he said, taking my arm and leading me from my room.

"Dad, wait a second. I need to change." I said, looking down at my pajamas.

"Well hurry up. We'll be in the car." He said as he and mom went downstairs.

I sighed and went back to my room. What were people supposed to wear to give birth? I had no idea. I threw on a pair of jeans and a tee-shirt and then went into the bathroom to brush my teeth and fix my hair. After throwing on a hat and grabbing my phone and keys I went downstairs and out to the car. As I was climbing in another contraction hit and I doubled over in pain. My mom got out of the front and climbed into the back with me.

"Hurry up Luke!" She yelled at my dad as he pulled out of the driveway.

"You. Have. To. Call. Acacia." I said in between gasps.

"I already did sweetheart. Don't worry. They'll all be there." My mom said as she rubbed my back.

"This is horrible." I whispered.

"I know babe but you might as well get over it now because it's only going to get worse."

I didn't say anything to this because one, we were at the hospital now and two, I had nothing to say. My dad pulled up to the emergency room doors and my mom helped me out of the car. I leaned on her as we walked inside.

"Am I supposed to feel this dizzy?" I asked her as the room spun before my eyes. I saw her look at me with concern on her face before the floor spun up to meet my face.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry this is sort of short but I really didn't know what else to add and I really didn't want to have to write about the real birth part. haha.

Sorry if you're disappointed. The next chapter will be better though, promise.

As always, thank you for reading!!
<3 Rachel