Stay Still

Morning Sickness

I woke up the next morning and had to rush to the bathroom. I was in the middle of puking my guts out when someone rang the doorbell. There was no way for me to get it in time so I just ignored it. If it was one of the guys then they would just use the key under the mat. If it was someone else, well, they’d just have to deal with the fact that I was not going to answer the door and they could either keep ringing the doorbell or they could leave. A few minutes later someone knocked on the bathroom door.

“Rachel, are you in there?” Mike called. I leaned back against the toilet and grabbed a washcloth from the shelf in front of me.

“Yeah I’m in here, you can come in if you want to.” I called.

Mike opened the door. “What’s wrong? Are you okay?” he asked.

“Yeah I feel better now. I told you yesterday, I’ve been feeling sick in the mornings.”

“Yeah but I didn’t think it was this bad.” he said, taking the washcloth from me and wetting it. He handed it back to me and then sat on the edge of the sink.

“Mike? If I tell you something do you promise not to say anything to anyone, well except Matt cause he already knows, and Acacia and Jared are gonna find out tonight, so basically, just don’t tell Eric?”


“I’m pregnant.”

“What?!” he yelled, jumping off the sink. “You’re pregnant? With what?”

I wasn’t sure how to answer that. “Um, a baby?” I replied.

He shook his head, “No, I know that! But who’s is it?”

“Oh, it’s Matt’s.” I answered quietly.

“What?!” Mike screamed.

I covered my ears. “Ow…”

“Sorry. But, you slept with Matt?! I thought you were totally in love with Eric.” he said.

“Yeah, I am, but I was upset one night and he was here, and one thing led to another. Anyway the point is, I‘m pregnant with Matt‘s baby and I‘m gonna give it to Jared and Acacia because she can‘t have children.”

“Holy crap. All this happened between the last time I saw you yesterday and now?” he asked. I nodded. He just shook his head in exasperation and walked out of the bathroom, mumbling something about needing a soda. I got in the shower and got ready for school.

Mike and I walked over to Matt’s when I was ready and then the three of us went to Eric’s. Mike rang the bell. We waited a few minutes for someone to answer. I was about to ring the bell again when Eric came flying out the door, almost running over Matt.

“Jeez man! What’s your problem?!” Matt exclaimed.

“Sorry, I was running a little late.” Eric replied as the four of us started walking again.

“So, where’s Hannah today?” Mike asked. Eric didn’t reply, he just stared down at the sidewalk and kept walking.

“I don’t think she’s gonna be hanging with us anymore.” I answered for him.

“Why not?” Mike asked.

“Just drop it Mike.” I said, patting Eric on the shoulder. He smiled at me and then went back to watching his feet.