Stay Still

All Fairy Tales Must Have An Ending

Hours later we lay in the tree house, holding each other while we waited for the storm outside to pass. It was still pouring rain.

“Eric?” I whispered into the dark.

“Hmm?” He sounded half asleep. I sat up and looked down at him. His eyes were closed and he had a very satisfied smile on his face.

“I think I should get home.” I said. His eyes flew open, his smile instantly disappearing.

“Why?” he asked in a whiny voice.

I laughed. “Because the sun will be up soon and we have to get ready for school.”

“But it’s Saturday.” he said, closing his eyes again.

“No, it’s Friday.” I told him, feeling around for my clothes.

He groaned. “Oh fine.” He sat up and handed me my shirt then pulled his own over his head. “I’m walking you home though.”

“Why?” I asked.

“Because who knows what kind of creatures you could run into at this time of night, out in the woods.” I rolled my eyes but didn’t argue. I pulled my hood up and we climbed down the ladder. We sprinted to my house through the rain, holding hands the whole time. When we got to the bottom of the steps at my backdoor he stopped and turned me around to face him. Taking my hands, he kissed my forehead lightly. “I’ll see you in a little while.” he whispered and then walked away, whistling.

I walked into the house, in some kind of daze, not even realizing the kitchen light was on when I had turned it off before I left.

“Where have you been?!” Someone yelled, scaring me half to death. I screamed and dropped the shoes I had been carrying. I turned around to see Matt sitting at the kitchen table.

“Oh my god, Matt, what the hell are you doing here?!” I asked him.

“You didn’t answer me.” He sat there staring at me with an angry and hurt expression.

“Well, you didn’t answer me either. Why are you sitting in my kitchen waiting for me?”

“Because last night after I left I realized I had forgotten my phone so I came back and when you didn’t answer the door I used the key. Then when you weren’t in the house I called almost everyone we know and when they didn’t know where you were I figured I would wait till you came home. Now, where the hell have you been?!” I didn’t like the tone he was using so I decided not to answer him. I glared at him and then walked out of the room. Of course he followed me. “I think I have a right to know where you were until 4 o’clock in the morning.” he said, following me up the stairs.

I turned on him halfway up. “What do you mean ‘you have a right to know’? You don’t own me. It’s none of your business where I go or who I’m with!” I shouted.

“As the mother of my child I think I do.” he shouted back.

“Well you think wrong!! This isn’t even our child! We’re giving it away remember?!”

“Rachel, I know you were with Eric. I saw you.”

“You were spying on me?” I was astonished. “That’s it. Get out of my house.” When he just stood there looking at me I pushed past him to get to the front door. I opened it and waited for him to follow me. He came down the stairs slowly.

When he got to me he stopped and took my hands, “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have spied on you. That was wrong. Will you please forgive me?”

“Matt, I don’t want to talk about this anymore. Will you please just go?” He sighed and looked like he was about to argue some more but he stopped and letting go of my hands, walked out the door. I slammed it behind him, angry at him for ruining my happy mood.