This Is Our Life

Kath's gone walkabouts.

“Wake up,” called Liam.
Liam Ellefson was their foster parent. Careworker. Whatever.. Bizarrely enough, he had heaps of money, and also owned a special, independent academy, called Ellef’s Academy, supposedly the best in the country. Yes, he’s that vain to say it himself.
BA’s eyes were still closed as she heard Abbi get out of the bed opposite. Even though Liam was super rich, they all shared rooms. They lived mainly at the Academy itself, which was so pointless nobody would notice if any of the teachers turned into…elephants.
“My ninja suit has vanished,” Abbi noted, as Zara snored loudly, obviously still fast asleep.
“Huh?” BA said, ruffling her hand through her short, newly cut hair, and opening her eyes, blinking blearily at Abbi, still in her pjs.
Abbi frowned at the wardrobe. Her hair was messy, although it actually kind of looked good. Or maybe that was just because BA’s eyes were tired. Her bluey-green eyes gazed at the wardrobe, as if she was thinking hard.
Zara was waking up. The bunk she shared with HRL creaked as she climbed down from the top, yawning very loudly. Loudly enough to make Nova bang on the wall. “Keep it down! You make more noise that Ellef.”
“Impossible,” mumbled Zara, stifling another yawn.
“What’s wrong, Abbi?” HRL asked, getting out of bed.
“Not puffer man?” asked HRL, horrified at the thought.
“No, no, no!” said Abbi.
It could definitely not be Pufferman. Her and BA had…disposed of him after the first time he had stolen something of Abbi’s.
Thou must not steal.
Unless you were Ruthie, added Abbi mentally, thinking of the Handbook she had nicked from Ellef’s study.
They had a great many laughs from it.
It took them a while before they were all finally ready to go downstairs. Nova, Emz, Ruthie, Licky, Cherri, MLz, Shauna and Rosie were already there, feasting on the delights of breakfast cereal.
“Licky, Licky, Licky,” said Zara, “Where have you been all my life?”
Zara sighed dramatically. “Turned down, again. If you lot keep doing this, I’ll have to move on to Ellef.”
“Again,” muttered Nova.
“Where’s Kath and Jess anyway?”
“I wouldn’t ask,” said Emz darkly.
Ruthie frowned.
“I’m joking,” Emz insisted.
“Oh really?” said Jess, walking through the door, “And no, I haven’t seen Kath.”
“Where oh where can Kath be?” said Rosie.
Zara shrugged. “I don’t know. But if she doesn’t come soon, I’m going to eat her pancakes.”
“We’re having cereal,” said Cherri.
“You idiot,” said Abbi fondly.
“Seriously though, where’s Kath?”
Nobody knew.
“Ellef!” yelled Nova, “Come here!” Ellef always jumped to do as Nova said.
“Where’s Kath?” demanded Nova demandingly.
“I don’t know Nova.”
“Go away.”
“Yes Nova.”
“I’m going to look at Kath’s room,” announced Emz, as her and MLz stood up.
Kath had her own room, being 16. Nobody wanted to…interrupt her at any time. Just in case.
Everyone else waited.
Shauna ordered a tub of Vaseline over the internet. “Just for emergencies,” she explained.
BA raised her eyebrows. “Sureeee.”
“KATH’S GONE!” screamed Emz, running down the stairs.
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