This Is Our Life

Yo, it's Kath!

“Wow, we’re kidnapped!” said Rosie enthusiastically.
“You’re not supposed to be pleased, idiot,” muttered Emz, kicking her.
Rosie glared at Emz and opened her mouth.
“OH MY TENANT,” shrieked Ruthie, “It’s The Kath!”
Kath was obviously drunk, she was swaying to some really crappy music, a Bongo attached to her mouth. It had probably got there by accident, mused Zara.
“KARTH!” yelled Cherri, falling over.
Kath looked at them, or rather, two meters to the side where they were standing. “Ohh my glod,” she slurred, “The giant ants are back.”
Nova and Zara exchanged a look.
“Have they been letting her at drugs again?” asked Mlz.
“Magic mushrooms baby!” screamed someone who vaguely resembled a teapot. Short, fat, and with a spout. Zara guessed she was Cuppa. The nametag helped.
“Do you want any?” asked someone with the nametag Fizzie.
“Uh, no,” said Mlz firmly as Zara reached out to take the drugs.
“What?!?!?” asked Zara, deeply upset by this.
“You said you were dropping that habit and taking up window humping,” added BA.
“Oh yeah,” said Zara, remembering. She looked around for a window. There was a handy window nearby and she went up and started humping it.
Passersby stared.
“Yanno,” suggested Abbi, “We could all get naked and then they’d get free porn too.”
“I wanna be a porn star,” said Licky dreamily.
Shauna was only interested about Vaseline. “I’M SUFFERING A WITHDRAWEL HERE!” she shrieked.
Cherri taped her mouth over. “Mmmm,” she said. Then she slowly realised she had taped the wrong mouth shut. Damn her false eyes!
Jess was dancing, already high on drugs. Zara guessed they were making her hallucinate, otherwise she’d stop dancing in front of the mirror.
HRL was sneezing. She couldn’t stop. Maybe it was time to go home.
Zara opened her mouth to suggest just that, but it stayed in position as a naked Ellef danced past. She fainted. The sight was too much.