This Is Our Life

Don't scream, I'm trying to sleep.

Abbi snored loudly. She had bought a special machine that made her snores extra loud. It did not amuse her room mates.
“Should I suffocate her?” scowled Zara.
“No,” BA said sleepily.
Zara sighed. “I guess that wouldn’t help our sex lives anyway.”
Hrl was sleeping.
“How is she managing to sleep?” asked Zara.
“I don’t know,” admitted BA, “If I was her, I’d be worried you were going to molest her. I always try and wait until you fall asleep before I fall asleep.”
Zara opened her mouth. Zara closed her mouth.
Abbi snored again.
“We could just take the machine off her,” suggested BA.
Zara glared. “I’m going to wake Hurl up.”
But Hrl must have heard or something, because her eyes opened. “Is she still snoring?”
“Yes, and there are some rather loud noises coming from Kath’s room,” replied BA.
“Jess can’t still be in there?” said Zara, with a touch of jealously, “Do you think if I said I was a virgin, Kath would do me?”
“No, coz Kath was the one who took your virginity in the first place,” answered BA.
“Oh yeah, I forgot.”
Suddenly there was a lack of snoring. Hrl had taken Abbi’s machine away.
“Thank god,” said Zara, closing her eyes.
There was a scream.
Zara pulled the pillow over her head.
More screaming.
She stuck her fingers in her ears.
More screaming.
“Oh, for fuck’s sake!” she exploded, getting up, “I’m going to shut them up, so I can actually sleep.”
Hrl and BA agreed and poked Abbi until she woke up. Then they wandered towards the screaming.
Ruthie was completely naked and curled up, now sobbing.
“What’s wrong, Ruthie?” asked Hrl, kindly.
“Why the hell were you screaming, keeping us all up?” said a new voice, Kath.
“It was horrible,” sobbed Ruthie.
“There there,” said Kath, crouching down and hugging the girl, her fingers creeping between her legs.
Ruthie flinched.
“It will all get better,” said Kath, her head now dangerously close to Ruthie’s boobs.
“Ellef…” whispered Ruthie, “He…he…”
“Rape!?!?!?” said Zara immediately.
Ruthie nodded slowly, not making eye contact. “Erm…yes. Rape.”
“Oh you poor girl,” said Kath without sympathy, but stopped touching Ruthie’s body, and stood up.
“I feel dirty,” she said to Zara, “If Ellef’s been where I just have…”
Ruthie heard and burst into fresh bouts of tears.
“RAPE!” shrieked Ellef, running into the room. When he saw Ruthie his eyes widened and he froze.
BA frowned. “Is anyone else confused?”
“Yes. Why did you rape Ruthie?” demanded Kath.
“I-I-I-” Ellef ran away.
Ruthie stood up. “Stop looking at me!” she snapped, as all their eyes focused on her naked body.
Everyone looked away.
“If you want to be so touchy, why don’t you wear clothes?” asked Abbi, watching the ceiling.
“I was…raping!” wailed Ruthie, “I mean, raped!”
“Fine. I’m going back to bed. If you get raped again, don’t scream this time.”
♠ ♠ ♠
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