This Is Our Life

I don't think so.

“Oi, wake up,” said Ellef, peering around the door, “You got to be in lessons by half past eight!”
At half past eleven, they all trudged wearily into the classroom. Despite being of different ages, they all had a class together. It saved time. The other students were a lot…more different. Hmm. Yes, different is the word.
“RAPE!” screamed Abbi.
The word rape featured a lot in their lives.
“Now today’s lesson is on oral sex,” said Ellef.
“AWESOME,” said Abbi, while Emz whined, “We already know about it!”
“Now then,” said Ellef, dropping his trousers, “We are going to do a practical today…Zara, come here.”
“No thanks,” said Zara, “I’m pairing with…uh…”
“ME!” said Kath, glaring at Ellef.
“I am NOT doing this!” BA said, edging towards Abbi.
“Me neither,” said Abbi, edging towards BA.
“I can’t look,” said Zara, her hand waving vaguely in the direction of Ellef, her eyes now fixed on Kath’s topless body.
Mlz was about to cry. “Stop the horror!” she said in an almost sob.
Bravely, heroically, Hrl ran, slowly and dramatically, towards Ellef and pulled up his trousers.
Everyone - except Ellef - cheered.
“I LOVE YOU HRL!” shrieked Cherri. They all tried to hug her at the same time, and ended up in a pile on the floor. Ruthie was naked.
Nobody was quite sure how that had happened.
“Ruthie likes getting naked,” announced Rosie.
Ruthie flushed. “I did not plan this!”
“Oh, no, of course not,” said Zara, grinning widely.
Emz threw her some clothes. “I am not a lesbian. I am not looking,” she said, her eyes fixed on Ruthie’s boobs. “Oh, damn!”
Ruthie pulled on the clothes slowly and seductively.
“It’s like watching a stripper but the wrong way round,” Jess said.
“Yeah. And without the dicks. I usually go to-” Cherri began, then stopped.
“You are one sick girl!” said Kath, grinning.
“But you introduced me to the place!” Cherri replied.
Kath shrugged. “But I ain’t sick.”
“Or a girl,” whispered Licky.
“Of course not! My dick is too big,” said Kath.
“It is,” Zara said, “I’ve seen it.”
“Heeheehee,” said Abbi.
Nova rolled her eyes. “What are we gonna do with Ellef?”
Ellef was staring at Rosie’s arse and licking his lips.
“What we always do,” said Jess.
“Tie him up in the cellar and molest him?” asked Ruthie.
“No,” said Hrl.
“Why not?” Licky said.
“It’s lunchtime.”
“Spotted dick!” said Zara.