This Is Our Life


"What do we do with it then?" asked Cherri.
"Ellef?" said Roseh, scowling. Ellef was still looking at her ass.
"I don't know and I don't care, I'm hungry," BA announced.
"Same," said HRL, "Can we just get on with...whatever we're doing...I don't mean to rush you or anything but-"
"Yeah, yeah, yeah," Mlz said, "I suggest we leave Kath in a cupboard with him."
"And miss lunch?" said Kath, shocked, "When there could be nicer raping opportunities?"
"Let's blow him up and be done with it," someone said.
"HRL, if I've told you once, I've told you a million times-" began Shauna.
"It wasn't me!" said HRL.
"Eh?" Jess said, calming popping a handful of popcorn into her mouth.
"Where'd you get popcorn from?" asked Cherri.
"A bodiless hand passed it to me," replied Jess.
"POPCORN!" shrieked Abbi happily.
"If it wasn't you, who said it then?" asked Emz, thinking hard.
HRL shrugged.
"IT WAS ME!" boomed a voice.
"Was that you, Shauna?" questioned Zara suspiciously.
"Ooh! Look, look what I've found!" said Licky excitedly. They all crowded around.
"What is it?" said Mlz, staring.
"I'm not sure, but it does have two eyes and a nose and a mouth," Licky said.
"OH MY GOD, ITS AN ANTEATER," Abbi said, jumping around excitedly.
"Anteaters have long noses, darling," BA said, "It's definitely a pig."
"It does look kinda snoutish," admitted Nova.
"Ah, that explains the squashed elephant look," BA nodded, knowingly.
"How does it?" Nova said.
" look like they've been sat on by elephants?" Abbi suggested.
"Don't be daft," said BA, "It's most obviously because a rock squashed the elephant, formerly Rocko's former name."
"Riiight, moving on," said Nova.
"You said."
"He's not very bright, is he?" Ruthie said.
"What?" said Abbi. who was trying to lick her elbow.
"Only giraffes can do that," HRL told her.
"Why, aren't I one?"
"No, you're a...human...possibly...Abbi," Zara said.
"Why are you here?" BA asked.
"Erm...well my mummy and daddy loved each other very much-" began Abbi.
"Not you, idiot, Rocko," said BA fondly.
"He is very very annoying," said Kath, "I'm not sure I want to rape him anymore."
They all stared, horrified and surprised and bewildered and horny at Kath.
"You...don't want to rape someone?" said Cherri, and fainted.
"Give her mouth to mouth!" said Emz. Mlz got down on her hands and knees and snogged Cherri.
"So, why are you here?" HRL asked, turning away from the now naked porn show that was happening behind them.
"Why?" Rosie asked.
"Why would you want to do that? Unless Ducky told you to..." Ruthie said.
They glanced at Ellef.
"Fair doos," said Abbi.
"You can have him," Zara said, "We don't want him."
"No, we don't," said Ruthie quickly. " Now my secret will never be known! Mwahahahahaha!
"What the hell?" said Nova, staring at Ruthie.
"Here, have Ellef, I'm hungry," said Jess, pushing Ellef into Rocko.
"Now, fuck off and never come back," finished Kath.