This Is Our Life

Izzy. Oh no.

As they threw Ellef and Rocko out into the trash, Zara suddenly froze, all tense.
"Wazzup you whore?" asked Kath, mightily drunk.
Nobody could quite realise how Kath could get drunk in the few metres they had walked, especially when they had no alcohol, but it was one of Kath's many, many talents.
"There's a Thing outside."
"Yeah, anno, we just tossed it out," said Abbi, obviously puzzled.
"No. It's...Izzy..."
A shocked silence. Broken by Kath, who burped.
BA hiccuped.
"You haven't been drinking, have you?" asked Abbi, eyeing her suspiciously.
"No, none of HRL's breast milk-"
"HRL has breast milk?!?!?" said Shauna, her eyes lighting up.
"Um, HELLO? Izzy out there!" Zara interrupted, "And I dunno what to do."
"Well," said Mlz, "If you want to avoid her-"
"No," said Zara impatiently, "I'm stuck deciding how to kill her."
"Ohh," said Cherri, "That's a hard one, that."
"Who's got a hard on?" asked Kath, perking up.
"Licky," answered Rosie, "But she didn't say that. She said hard one."
"I like popcorn," said BA, dreamily.
Jess narrowed her eyes and clutched her popcorn to her possessively.
"I know!" said Nova, "Let's shoot her full of arrows."
"Do we have any arrows?" Emz asked dubiously.
"I dunno, but I'm sure a bodiless hand will pass them to Jess."
"Way ahead of you," said Jess, smiling, handing over some arrows.
"And a bow?" said Ruthie.
"No, no," said Zara, "I want a more painful way."
"KILL HER BY FIRE!" shrieked BA.
"No, no, no."
"Yellow paperclips," nodded Novar wisely.
"How the-" Rosie began to ask.
"No, no, no."
"Poison? Poison her with milk!" suggested Abbi.
"I don't think that would kill her," said Emz., bursting one of Abbi's bubbles.
"No, no, no."
"I know!" said HRL.
"We can't bomb her, no," said Zara.
"No...DEATH BY BONGO!" said HRL triumphantly.