Status: hiatus



Sometimes people misbehave. When they do, they need to be punished. The only question is how to punish them. The answer is simple. Take away what means the most to them. This is true in every circumstance. The only thing that varies is the severity of the punishment.

What sort of things to you take from these people? Money, valuables, love, freedom, life.

This is what I do. I am a punisher. When someone sins, I give them what they deserve.

Who do I work for? No one. I work in name of the common good. I work in the name of each and every person who has ever lost something to the work of a sinner.

Everyone sins you say? That is true, but some sins are more serious than others. These are the ones I deal with.
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sorry...i just had an idea for a new story and just HAD to start writing. my other story will get updated though so dont worry about that.