Status: hiatus


Chapter 4

The office was trashed. Karina almost couldn’t believe her eyes when she crossed the threshold. Not a single thing had been left untouched.

“Ivy? Ivy? Are you in here?”


She rushed out of one of the inner offices and engulfed her in a hug.

“I’m so glad you’re back. I have had no idea where to start! I tried to catalog everything to see if there is anything missing but it’s just too big of a mess for one person to take care of and…”



“We’ll take care of it. Christine is on her way to help us.”

Ivy’s face momentarily broke into a relieved smile.

“Oh, thank God.”

Seventeen hours and several iced mochas later, the office was nearly back to normal. Only one thing was missing.


“Yeah K?”

“You didn’t happen to see that drive with all of your case files on it did you?”


Her eyes suddenly went wide with realization.


“Well at least we still have the hard copies,” Karina said.

“Yeah but that drive had all of the new information on it!”

“New information?”

“Um…yeah. I found some more info while you and Tristan were still on vacation.”

Karina nearly lost it right then and there.

“What? You didn’t tell me this! What exactly did you find?”

Ivy looked like a puppy that had just peed on the carpet and was about to get whacked with a newspaper.

“A new lead…”

“A new lead?”

“Or three…”

Karina’s face looked dangerous.

“Fucking fantastic,” she said under her breath.

“I do remember a lot of it though,” Ivy tried to sound hopeful.

“Oh really? Like what?”

“Well there is a guy down in Guatemala…”

Karina and Christine stared at Ivy, then looked at each other.

Karina sighed.

“Grab your gear, Christine. You’re coming with me.”
♠ ♠ ♠
:) updateness