Intergrating Demons


I feel I must warn you that this is not a happy story. This book does not involve a hero triumphing over evil and it most certainly does not end in any better a world than it started in. This book is not about a fairytale land of elves and dwarves, but it is not about an average-Joe working stiff either. This book does not start in an office complex, nor an enchanted village, nor outside someone’s flat in London. This book starts with two men; one in his mid 40’s wrapped up warm to fend off the British cold, the other 16 with only jeans and a vest, his leather jacket put to one side for the duration of his exercise. The two men are sword fighting in one of the training grounds of the East Sussex Survivors Colony.
The younger man swung his blade low and then shifted the direction of his swing upward and half span as the elder man deflected the blade. “You need to work on your stance if you ever want to stop me doing that.”
“I know,” he replied, sheathing his sword “but it feels unnatural and as soon as I start concentrating on my moves more than my stance I change back by reflex.”
“Don’t worry; you’ll get the hang of it soon. You’ve definitely been improving your speed and strength though; I’m surprised I managed to block that last one.” He chuckled.
“Thanks.” He smiled. “Hey Jacob, you got the time?”
“Hold on.” He paused while he reached into his pocket for his phone, there were no working phone towers left as far as anyone in the area knew but a good phone was still quite useful as a clock, calendar and much more, he pulled it out and said “it’s about five to five, why?”
“Shit!” The younger man instantly dropped hi blade and went for his jacket “I’m late! I’m gonna have to absolutely peg it just to keep from getting shut out!”
Jacob smiled “Don’t worry, Michael. When they hear you’ve been training so hard they’ll give a beating to anyone who tries to keeps you out!” he laughed.
Michael started putting on his rollerblades which had been kept under his jacket. “When do I get to start practicing with the babies on?”
“That’s not up to me and you know that, Mike!” he was aggravated by the question “You only fight with blades, on ‘blades when you’re in the Elite Guard. That’s the law and I’m not getting myself killed on conspiracy to treason so you can have an edge on the other ‘bladers!”
“It wouldn’t be an edge! I’ve seen the other ‘bladers practicing and they all wear their ‘blades when they do it!” now he was just putting his helmet on.
Jacob sighed “Mikey, Mikey, Mikey. They don’t have an edge, when you go in for your tests to see if you’re ‘the best of the best’ you’ll see that. Besides, when will you learn that two wrongs don’t make a right?”
Michael was disappointed “Three lefts do though.”
Jacob couldn’t help but let out a small chuckle “You can be so stupid sometimes…” then he looked at Michael and realised that he had been ready to go for the last minute or so. “Aren’t you forgetting something?”
Michael thought for a moment or two “Um… It’s your birthday?”
“Think again”
Panic filled his expressions “SHIT!” he yelled and started collecting speed with his ‘blades.
Jacob looked at his phone again and called over to him “You’ve got 3 minutes Michael!” he smiled to himself “Stupid pillock.” he said as he watched him slingshot himself off a lamp post for speed and went to collect his training equipment.
As he approached the old supermarket he looked at the large clock now hanging where the shop’s sign once was. 5:07 “SHIT!” he went around the corner and slowed himself down as he approached the car park.
The training grounds of the Elite Guard. The whole building was owned, run and used by the Elite Guard and as they were such a vastly significant group in the colony they were the only ones allowed in. Today was the exception. Everyone in East Sussex who owned a pair of rollerblades was coming today to try and show they were ‘the best of the best’, worthy of the Elite Guard.
As he came to the ramps leading to the car park a largely built man with a hand-crafted bow over his back called down to him from the roof above; “Can I help you at all?”
“Yeah,” replied Michael “I’m here for the try-outs to become a member of the Elite Guard.”
“You mean the trials?” The large man called back.
“Yeah, what did I say?” asked Michael, knowing full well what he’d said.
“Try-outs” replied the man.
“Oh, sorry.” He looked at the entrance to the training grounds and noticed they were not only shut, but locked.
The large bowman looked down and saw that he had noticed this “Sorry Mate we shut the gates at five o’ five. Been shut” he looked at his phone “three minutes now”
“Is there any way of me getting in now?” he wasn’t just asking he was begging a little.
“Not that I can help you with. I don’t have control over the lock” he paused for a moment and thought “Des’s doing the trials today” he said, seemingly unprovoked “He’s an alright bloke and he appreciates initiative. Wait out her ‘till they open the gates to let all the potentials out and go in and find him.” he smiled “He’ll be the tall guy with a sabre on his belt.”
Michael looked back up at him “Thanks.” he said, then sat down and waited as he watched the bowman walk off on the rooftops of the supermarket.

Recognising the voice as the bowman, Michael looked up and saw that he was on the roof above his head again
“My name’s Jon”
“Michael.” he replied.
“It’s five fifty-eight” called Jon “they’ll unlock the gate in a couple minutes. If I were you I’d get ready to make your surprise visit.”
“Thanks!” said Michael, getting up again. His legs had gone a bit numb but he stood against the numbness quite defiantly.
He was only standing for a bout thirty seconds when the gates opened up and the second the ‘bladers had finished pouring out he dove in.
“Oi!” yelled on of the Guard but Michael ignored him and went straight to a tall man with a sabre he saw approaching the staircase to the main store.
Michael knew he could keep himself away from any Elite pursuers up ‘till around that point so he picked up some speed and half-charged at the staircase. He went way faster than expected and shot right past Des but managed to stop himself by doing a stall on the stairs for a moment then hopping back to ground once he’d recollected his balance.
“Hello there.” it was Des talking to him “Where were you and hour ago?”
Michael, eased by Des’s friendliness, smiled “On my way here.” He paused for a moment “Are you Des?”
“That I am. And who might you be?” Des was still in his good mood, mostly because of Michael’s comical entrance.
“I’m Michael.” He replied “I was wondering-“
He was cut off by Des “if you could try out now as you missed it a moment ago?”
Michael smiled, mostly out of embarrassment “Yeah, actually.” He paused for a response but none came quickly “Is there any chance of that?”
Des smiled “Well, we have packed everything away, but…” he paused weighing up what little impression he’d had from Michael “I like your initiative. The problem is I’ve packed all my trials equipment away so we’ll have to find a different way to test you…” he drew his sabre “Draw!”
Michael drew his sword then, without hesitation threw it aside “It is against the laws for anyone outside the Guard to wield a blade whilst on ‘blades.”
Des smiled and sheathed his Sabre “You are smarter than I anticipated” he rolled over to Michael’s sword and picked it up, rolling back he held it blade down “remove your ‘blades then.”
Michael did so and then received his sword from Des. Des redrew his sabre and slashed at Michael’s face who hit the sabre’s blade with an upwards motion. Unfazed, Des lunged at Michael who then twisted to the side and grabbed Des’s hand and swan-necked it until the sabre dropped, he then twisted Des’s hand ‘round behind his back and pinned him to the floor.
Des, using a near-inhuman sum of might, twisted his hand back and, in doing so, flipped Michael onto his back. As Des stood up he spoke “Your raw ability is no doubt flawless and if someone has trained you this much...” he thought to himself for a moment “Tell me, who is your trainer?”
“Jacob. I don’t know his last name but he lives up in Chyngton.”
“Jacob...” he paused, allowing the word to roll around on his tongue “I don’t believe I know him. Oh well, if you’re any kind of example then he must be a fine trainer.” he turned to another man and, although whispering, Michael could still hear him “Ask around, find me Jacob. If it’s the man I’m thinking of then there’s something important happening and I do not want us to find out what it is before it happens.” turning to Michael again “So how long have you been training with Jacob?”
“He found me fighting off a cluster of satanites just outside of town about 5 months ago and he noticed that fighting was hardly something I was good at. He started training me to fight then and after about a week said I’d be a good candidate for the Elite Guard.” Michael paused for a moment “In fact, had he not been there when I ran into those horned shits I’d probably have been slaughtered.”
“You took out a cluster of satanites?” Des looked a little surprised “That can’t have been an easy task. What, were there like six, seven of them?”
“Twenty three. And no, it wasn’t an easy task but I think adrenaline did most of it. Y’know like when tots’d take out a swarm of zombies after devouring’ their parents. That sorta thing was a regular occurrence before the walls were done.”
“Ah yes, sad, sad times.” Des was a little saddened “Well, let’s not dwell on the past, eh?” his sadness had passed “Let’s get you some better ‘blades and an EG Card!” he smiled.
“Hang on, I’m in? Just like that? No eye exams, hearing, reflex or dexterity tests?” Michael was stunned.
“Oh, yeah! You’ll be having plenty of those trust you, me. I’m more or less certain you’ll be passing them all though and your scores’ll be on your EG Card afterwards. Welcome to the Elite Guard Michael.”
“Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you! You have no idea how much this means to me!” Michael was ecstatic “I can’t believe I got in so easily! I’ve got to go thank Jacob straight away! I’ve got to get my things and get my sword sharpened and-“
Des stopped him “What you’ve got to do, Michael; is have your tests so we can get you your EG Card. Then we can show you your new home, it’ll be one of the flats opposite the train station; it’s a good spot, close to the old HQ here and, since you’ll be ‘blading everywhere from here on, it’s less than ten seconds from the new Elite-only bar: Trek.”
“But shouldn’t I get my things first and tell all my friends and family where I’m going before I start moving in?”
“Of course! You’re not moving in right now though, we just need to do these tests before you can become one of The Guard.”
“Oh, right. Where to then?”
“In truth, Michael.” he smiled “I have absolutely no idea! I was recruited at Brighton Base and asked to move here. Couldn’t handle the city, too many big crowds to get past and I’m not very good at negotiating crowds.” he laughed “Don’t worry though, ‘Liz here knows where to take you.” he turned to a girl, about 18, with dyed black hair down to her shoulders, she wore entirely black down to her ‘blades, she had no weapon at her waist but it was clear some kind of slim sword was kept in each sleeve of her knee-length leather jacket “Isn’t that right ‘Liz?”
‘Liz turned to Michael and at that moment he was stunned by her eyes which were black throughout, she gave a friendly smile, her canines catching the light as she did “Oh, don’t worry I know where to take him.”
“Good.” Des turned back to Michael “Just follow ‘Liz there and she’ll take you to your tests.”
Although quite weary of ‘Liz’s teeth and eyes, Michael followed ‘Liz to the upper levels of the old supermarket.

About two minutes later, once Michael and ‘Liz were alone in a corridor she pushed him against and slammed a hand either side of his head to pin him there.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing you stupid little shit?” Liz’s voice was raised.
Michael was baffled and a little frightened “What?”
“You can’t just waltz into Elite HQ asking for membership!”
“I’m sorry, I was told by the guard outside that-“
She cut him off in anger “I’m not talking about being late for the fucking interviews!” her voice was even more raised “Youknow that’s not what I’m talking about! I’m talking about sending more of us in.” she calmed herself down and lowered her voice “Right now these people have no idea there are vampires living among them and if they discover more than one vampire being in their Elite Guard they’ll think we’re trying a fucking takeover!
Michael was confused “Hang on! You don’t think I’m a vampire do you? I’m just someone who’s, apparently, earned a spot in the Elite Guard but I am completely human and-“
She cut him off again “Oh don’t play mortal with me! Just ‘cause you’ve got some puny cross around your neck and you haven’t stopped aging yet doesn’t mean I can’t see those fangs and darkeyes you’ve hidden from these people!”
What on earth are you talking about?” Michael was no longer just confused; He was scared. “I am most certainly not a vampire! My eyes aren’t all dark like yours and I do not have fangs like you!”
Liz was dumbstruck. Now she was confused. “What? What do you mean you’re not a vampire?” she pushed herself away from him, and the wall, a little and scanned him up and down with her eyes “I don’t know who you are and I don’t know what you think you are. But that cross around your neck is keeping your vampire form a secret from everyone, just as the one around my neck does. But...” she looked down the corridor both ways and lowered her voice “...I am a vampire and that cross doesn’t work against other vampires. I can see your fangs and darkeyes just as much as you can see mine.”
“I am not a vampire!” Michael’s voice was raised “If I was a vampire surely I would have noticed when I looked in the mirror or bite into my food. Explain that.”
She looked at him with pity “You really have no idea do you?” She sighed “That cross around your neck will be allowing your mortal image to show itself in place of your vampiric one which lacks a reflection of its own. It will also be forcing your fangs back into your skull.”
“Bollocks” Michael had to prove, at least to himself, that he was human “How could one little cross do all that? It can’t possibly-“
It’s a symbol of death.” She emphasised the start of her sentence to cut off Michael “Vampires are half-life beings. We are almost dead. Wearing a symbol of death seems to overrule this and make us seem alive.”
Michael looked at her for a moment. He wanted to say something but no words formed in his mouth.
“Look. When you get home take off your necklace and have a look at your reflection.” She paused for a moment then pointed down the corridor to a turning and sighed “Turn right and go to the first room on your left.”
♠ ♠ ♠
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