I Know Something You Don't Know


Brody Cohen was a rebel from the moment she left the womb. In kindergarten, she always had to stay inside during recess. In second grade, she spilled chocolate milk all over a girl's new dress because she was wearing the same one. In fifth grade, she started a food fight and had to stay after with the janitor's to clean it up. In seventh grade, she cursed out her gym teacher because he had tried to get her to run an extra lap for slacking. When she was a freshman, she lost her virginty to a senior and got suspended for smoking on school proptery. When she was a junior, she got caught vandalizing the school and spent a few days in juvie. And when she was a senior and finally recieved her deploma, she turned around and as she smiled at her fellow graduates, stuck her two middle fingers in the air.

Brody Cohen was what you would call a bad influence. Parents hid their children from her, she was always the example of who your parents told you not to turn out like. Brody Cohen was a fuck up, a loser, pothead, and a slacker. But the best part of all was that she could careless. She didn't care what you thought of her, or how you acted around her. Brody cared about having a good time, and she didn't care at who's expense it happened at. She figured she was young now, and she might as well live it up with all she had in her. Even if it was with her two middle fingers in the air.

Brody Cohen never found the need for a boyfriend. She didn't need that kind of commitment. When it came to relationships, she thought more like a guy. Boys were just there to have fun with, to be fucked and then fucked with. She didn't care who she hurt, because most of the time she didn't even realize she was hurting them. And of course, what boy had the balls to say Brody Cohen hurt their feelings? No one, that's who.

Brody didn't have many asperations in life. She didn't plan on going to college after high school, and she didn't have a job to support herself. She lived at home for a two years, living off of her parents. She slept all day, and was out all night. She called it "living the life", her parent's called it "slacking off." They would have stopped giving her money, if they didn't think she would end up dead if they didn't.

When Brody was 21, her two friends started a band that became popular fast and booked Warped Tour. They asked her to come along because all of their other friends were at college or had steady jobs, and she agreed. From what she heard, Warped Tour was a continus summer party, and she was about to join in with 3oh!3.

"Fuck, I didn't realize how many cuties would be here," Brody said as she shielded the sun from her eyes. She was standing in front of 3oh!3's merch tent looking around at everyone passing.

"Jesus Brody, could you put some fucking clothes on?" Sean yelled.

"I'm wearing clothes Sean," she smiled, turning around on her heel. Brody was in fact, wearing clothes, she just wasn't wearing a lot of them. She adorned a tiny white wife beater that rose so far up her stomach, you could see her belly button, and a pair of The Devil Wears Prada shorts. She had met the band during pre-production of Warped and immediately liked them. They also happened to have their merch booth set up right next to 3oh!3's on this particular day.

"I like her better like this," Nat said, stepping out from under the tent and throwing his arm over Brody's shoulders. "Maybe you're just gay."

"Maybe," Sean said with a nod of his head.

"Fuck!" Brody exclaimed as she gazed a few tents down.

"What?" Nat asked, trying to follow her eyes.

"Who's that?" She asked, blantenly pointing and staring at a boy with long hair and tattoos. That didn't really narrow it down when at Warped Tour, but Nat and Sean immediately knew who she was talking about.

"Oliver Sykes," they both coursed. Brody looked at them with a quizzical expression, looking for a further explanation.

"He's like you," Sean said.

"Only in male form," Nat added.

Brody smiled at this comparasion. Little did she know, she was about to meet her match.
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new story. i like it. this was just the intro, the next chapter will be a little longer.
i would love a banner for this. or maybe a layout where the banner shows up in every chapter? haha, i'm still horrible at coding on this website.

also, if i put a ryan hunter story up, will anyone read it? i don't know if there's many eotc fans on this site.

keep reading! it'll get better, i promise!