I Know Something You Don't Know


To his surprise, Oliver woke up with Brody still laying next to him. Her shirt was pushed up above her chest and her underwear were laying at her feet, but she was sleeping peacefully. Oliver's boxers were still intact, though he hadn't the slightly clue to where his shirt was. He tried to stretch and not wake Brody up at the same time, but he failed at his task as he felt her squriming next to him. She squinted and looked up at Oliver like he was crazy.

"What are you doing?" She asked, her voice raspy and small. Oliver smiled at this.

"Stretching," he said simply.

"Sleep," she instructed closing her eyes and pulling her shirt down so her upper body was covered. She cuddled up closer to Oliver's chest and her breath evened out again, letting him know she had fallen asleep once again. Oli traced her jaw lightly with his finger as she slept against him. Whenever she slept she always looked so peaceful; he wondered what she dreamt about. He hoped it was about him, as corny as that sounded.

Just as Oliver found his eyes growing heavy once again; he realized he had no idea what time it was. And when you're on a tour where you don't know what time you're going on until that morning; that's a problem. Oliver tried to carefully manuver himself out of Brody's bunk without waking her, but she once again stirred against his side and woke up.

"Alright, alright, I get it, you don't want me to sleep," she muttered against Oliver's bare chest. He apologized as she grabbed her panties and slipped them on carefully before she followed Oli out into the kitchen area. Nat and Sean were already awake and didn't look happy as they watched their best friend walk out of her bunk with Oliver Sykes in tow.

"I didn't get much sleep last night, did you Nat?" Sean asked his friend and bandmate loudly.

"No, not really," Nat said.

"That's crazy! Why were you awake?"

"I think there was a porn star on our bus or something, all I heard was moaning," Nat replied, looking Brody in the eye. Brody rolled her eyes at her friends words.

"Think of it as payback," Brody smiled.

Sean sighed and shook his head. "Whatever, I guess we did deserve some sort of payback. But next time can you just shave Nat's head or something?" He asked. Brody laughed and fell back onto the couch, Oliver sat next to her.

"Do you guys have a schedule?" Oliver asked.

"Yeah," Nat said, grabbing a piece of paper and handing it over to the tattooed boy. Oliver took the schedule and let his eyes scan it, as Brody wrapped her arms around one of his own arms and snuggled close into his side.

"What time do you have to play?" She asked, peering over Oli's arm and looking at the piece of paper herself.

"2:15," Oliver replied, handing the paper back to Nat.

"Maybe I'll come see you," Brody said.

"Really?" Oliver asked.

"But maybe not," she smirked. Oliver smiled down at her and kissed her lightly. "Well, I better go get dressed and ready. If today is anything like yesterday, I need to mentally prepare myself," Brody annouced pushing herself off of the couch and walking into the bathroom. Oli's eyes followed her until she was out of sight, and even then his eyes lingered on the bathroom door.

"You like her," Sean stated, bringing Oliver back down into reality. His head snapped back as he looked at the blonde sitting at the small table in front of him.

"Nah," Oliver shrugged, trying to play off his puppy love as not a big deal. "She's just a good fuck."

Nat laughed, "That's not how you look at her."

"How do I look at her?" Oliver demanded to know.

"Like you care a lot more about her than just fucking her every now and then," Sean said.

Oliver's performace was a bit off that day, though he didn't think the fans noticed. His band on the other hand was a different story. They could tell he wasn't putting everything into his frantic shrieks and growls, they knew he wasn't bouncing around as much. It wasn't something extremely noticeable, but to the rest of Bring Me The Horizon, it was completely obvious. Their set ended soon enough and Oli was pelted with questions.

"What the fucks the matter with you, dude?" Mattie asked him. Oliver shrugged and wiped his face with a towel.

"Nothin', why?" He asked, playing it off like nothing was wrong.

"You were so off today mate," Lee added.

"I'm tired," Oli said. His friends all looked at him with the same expression; they knew he was lying.

"It's about that chick, isn't it?" Matt asked.

"Brody," Curtis interjected, to make it clear who they were talking about.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Oliver said, grabbing a water bottle.

"You love her," Curtis smiled.

"Sod off," Oliver grumbled, walking away from his friends. He was stopped by a few fans, but he signed their things and took pictures quickly before he walked towards the 3oh!3 tent. He noticed a small crowd around it from a ways away. He figured Nat and Sean were there and some kids just wanted to meet them, but as he got closer he heard the yells. They were coming from three girls, one he recoginzed immediately as Brody's. He jogged over to the small crowd quickly, pushing his way to the front.

"-and you couldn't even come here alone! Are you serioiusly that pathetic?" Brody was screaming at two girls in front of her. Oliver saw the one girl was the girl he had been with last year, Sarah, and the other one as her best friend. He groaned and ran his fingers through his hair, knowing he was the reason behind this fight.

"Are you just jealous because I actually have friends that I don't have to fuck to get to like me?" Sarah asked, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Fuck you and just say what you want to say to my fucking face instead of yelling it from yards away," Brody yelled, stepping closer to Sarah and her friend. The two girls actually looked imtimidated by Brody, even though they clearly had the advantage in numbers if anything physical was to happen. "Make my fucking day, call me a slut, a whore, a skank, please. Do it. Like I haven't fucking heard it before," Brody screamed, stepping closer with each word. "But just let it be known, that if you continue to harass me, and continue to call me names, I will find whoever both of your boyfriends are now, and fuck them like you never would, got it?" She asked in a low voice as she pointed at the girls.

"Oliver doesn't even like you," Sarah seethed. Brody let out a hard laugh at this.

"Do you think I care if he likes me or not? I have no feelings for him either. He's an excellent fuck though, but I'm sure you already knew that," Brody told her, smirking. Sarah let out a loud huff before turning on her heel and pushing her way through the people that had encircled them.

Oliver had to admit- he was hurt by what Brody had said. He wasn't used to this feeling though, it was something brand new to him. Once more, he realized this must have been the way all of those girls he had been with felt. The girls who worshiped the ground he walked on, and then got ingorned after one night with him. He never realized how they felt until he heard Brody say she had no feelings for him. He was hurt though- to say the very least.

As the crowd began to taper off, Brody noticed Oliver standing off to the side, his hands shoved in the pockets of his jeans. She furrowed her eyebrows and walked toward him.

"What's the matter?" Brody asked.

"I heard yeh fight," Oli mumbled, as he looked up to stare Brody in the eye.

"Was I good or what?" She smiled, obviously not sensing Oliver's mood.

"Did yeh mean what yeh said Brody?" Oli asked her in a small voice.

"About what? I really wasn't going to fuck their boyfriends if that's what you mean, I mean, I'm not that much of a whore.." she rambled.

"That's not what I mean," he said, shaking his head, causing his hair to fall into his green eyes.

"Then what?" Brody asked, now very confused.

"You don't have feelings for me?"

"Well, no," Brody stated bluntly. She didn't realize it would be such a big deal to him. She had been told from day one that Oliver was exactly like her, which is perhaps the reason why she gravitated towards him. She thought fucking him would be no big deal; obviously she was very wrong.

"How could you just say that?" He asked her. "Like you don't even give a shit about anything but the sex," he yelled.

Brody looked at him oddly. She had no idea where this was coming from, as far as she knew he treated girls the same way she treated guys. "I don't get it Oli," she told him honestly.

"What don't you get?" He asked, getting fustrated now.

"Why are you getting so worked up over this?"

"Cause I fucking like yeh!" He screamed. "Are yeh happy now? Fuck Brody," he mumbled, running his fingers through his hair once again. Brody's eyes were wide as she watched him.

"Shut up," she told you. "You don't like me, you like fucking me. Let's be honest here Oli."

"Are you kidding me Brody?" He growled.

"You're just like me, be honest with yourself," she said.

"I like you Brody, what more do yeh want me to say?"

"No you don't," she said. Oliver shook his head and looked to the ground.

"Whatever," he mumbled. "I'll leave now, have fun all alone for the rest of Warped," he told her before walking off towards his bus.

"You think you're the only one Oli? I have no problem getting guys!" She yelled after him.

Oliver turned around and looked at her one last time, "You can get any guy in the world to fuck you, but you're not going to get anyone who actually wants to be with you. You're going to end up competely alone someday, and the only person you'll have to blame is yourself!" He yelled.
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favorite chapter so far.
so sorry about that week long break thing. my laptop was down, but now it's working again so i'll be updating like usual :]
comments pleasee! i love the ones i'm getting.<3
