I Know Something You Don't Know


Oliver was usually very good at making girls jealous. He had perfected the craft. He knew exactly what to do to make that girl who was playing hard to get want him more than anything in the world. And that usually resulted in a very good night for Oliver Sykes.

However, on this particular night he walked to the nightly Warped party with that blonde on his arm and Brody didn't even take a second glance at him. In fact, she didn't even take a first glance at him. So he knew he had to take it up a notch. He walked over to a keg and filled up a cup for him and the blonde (she had told him her name but he had forgot it). They both sipped their drinks slowly flirting more than they were drinking. When Oliver saw Brody walking over to the same keg he was standing next to, he made his move. He knew it would take much to get the blonde to sleep with him. By the time Brody got to the keg, the blonde's hand was already working the zipper of his pants. When Oliver heard Brody's soft giggle, he opened his eyes.

She was paying no attention to him. She was re-filling her cup and chatting with Curtis. She laughed loudly at something Curtis said and then glanced over at him. Their eyes locked for a second and Oliver mentally high fived himself. He knew this was his ticket in(to her pants, again). She simply smiled, gave him the thumbs up and grabbed Curtis by the wrist. They began to walk in the opposite direction and Oliver shut in eyes in fustration.

He grabbed the blonde's ass, and she giggled. They stumbled back towards his bus and just as he pressed her against the side of it, he sighed. He pulled away from the girl, and she looked at him skeptically.

"What's the matter?" She asked him.

"I need to uh, go..do my...take a leak," he mumbled, running his fingers through his hair and walking the other way. He walked back towards the party and immediately found another
cup to fill.

"That was the fastest quickie I've ever seen," he heard from behind him. He turned to see Curtis and Brody standing there. Brody was wearing a strapless floral dress, and her hair was done up quite nicely. It was slightly curled and looked perfect with the shape of her face. She was also wearing a very little amount of eyeliner. Oliver knew she didn't need much make up to look gorgeous.

"I didn't fuck her," Oli replied, pressing the cup to his lips.

Brody laughed, "Yeah, okay."

"I take my time at things like that," he said. "You would know."

Brody continued to smile at him, not saying anything. This bothered Oliver more than anything. He would kill to know what was going on inside her head. Was she really just playing hard to get? Or was she just a heartless bitch? Oliver just couldn't decide. She seemed to be getting along well enough with Curtis. Maybe she didn't treat every guy like a toy, maybe she just treated Oliver like that.

"Curtis and I are gonna go watch a movie, wanna come?" She asked finally.

"So I can watch you two practically shag?" Oliver spat. Brody laughed.

"When I say watch a movie, I mean watch a movie. I'd tell you if I was going to fuck Curtis, believe me when I tell you," she said. Curtis smiled down at her then looked at Oli. It didn't take a genius to know he was mad, his face gave it all away. Curtis just couldn't decide if he was mad at Brody, or at him. Maybe he was mad because the girl he was just making out with turned him down. He didn't know.

"Do you want to punch me?" Curtis blurted out. Sometimes he didn't think things through before saying him. The filter between his brain and his mouth just wasn't there. Brody was the same way. Oliver looked at his friend incredulously.

"Why would I want to punch you Curtis?" Oliver asked.

"You kinda look like you do," he shrugged.

"I think he'd rather punch me," Brody smiled. "Or maybe just fuck me. Or maybe both, he does seem kinda kinky."

"Oh, fuck off!" Oliver yelled. A few people around them turned to look, most of them continued with their business though. They were too drunk to notice. Brody kept eye contact with Oliver; she was still smiling.

It was almost comical how worked up he was getting over the whole situation. This just made Brody want to push his buttons more, see how far it would go. How long it would take him to explode.

"I'll take that as a no to the movie thing," she said. Oliver growled lowly and turned around, stomping off into the crowd. Brody turned to Curtis and laughed. "He was so angry," she giggled.

"I've never seen him so worked up," Curtis said gazing after his friend.
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i have a sore throat. &i REALLY don't wanna go to school tomorrow. boooo!
