Remembering Sorrows

One and Only.


The girl lifted her head, tilting it up at the man hovering above her. He was in a suit, and looked too fancy to be comforting the girl in the simple cotton dress. Tears filled her cloudy eyes, and escaped down her pale cheeks.

"I can't remember."

He knelt down, and sat across from the girl. She turned towards him, putting her hand to his face.

"What can't you remember?"

She ran her chalky fingers gently over his closed eyes, one hand playing with the folds of her dress.

"Your eyes. Their color. I can feel it, but I can't see it. I don't know what name to put to the color, I can't remember."

The man lifted his hands to match hers, bringing the girls hands back down, holding them to his chest. He wiped her tears, and pulled her into him. She rested her head on his chest, running her fingers along the dress.

"I don't know what color the dress I'm wearing is. I can feel it is different than your eyes. Each color, is different. Each color has its own feel, its own aura. Each color breathes differently, has a different pulse. I can't remember their names. It's been so long, but I know their touch."

The man shifted uncomfortably. He had lost touch with the feeling. He, too, used to know how to feel color. Now, he took what he knew for granted. He no longer felt the yearning she knew. His sight returned to him, and he lost the sense of knowing the colors.

"Tell me what you feel, and the names will come."

He tried to reassure her, but the girl would not be consoled.

"I've lost them, I can't get them back."

"They're just names, child. They don't matter."

Her cloudy eyes looked fierce as she stared straight ahead. "Their names are more important than your entire being," she hissed. "They tell stories with their names. They’ve seen more in this world than you can even begin to imagine."

"There is one, it warms. It is happy, and bright. The brightest of them all, it has seen the darkest days. It's light."

The man went to speak, to put a name forth, but she shushed him quietly.

"No. Do not tell me. I know them, I know I do.

"There is another, its fiery. It's heat is stronger than the last. It brings warning, and strikes fear. Regarded as evil, but not. It's toying, and fierce."

She stopped for a moment, and turned in her position in his lap. She raised her hand back to his face.

"This. This color is an old friend. I knew it well. It is the color of the sky, the ocean. I can feel its sadness, and I can feel its dread. It holds hope too, and shadows. I can not see, but I know."

She ran her hands over his eyes, her own bright though clouded, and whispered softly in his ear, "Hello blue."
♠ ♠ ♠
Exactly 500 words.