10 Years Today

Chapter Three


I made my way up the stairwell to my apartment, my life was broken once again.
I slid the key into the door and stepped into my dingy home.
You need to move on! I will always love you Frankie. We will meet again one day, i'll be waiting for you! Gerard's voice kept floating through my head, whatever I did I couldn't stop thinking about him. I needed to feel closer to him! But how? Gerard's gone, there's no way to ever get him back.

Sometimes I give myself the creeps
Sometimes my mind plays tricks on me
It all keeps adding up
I think I'm cracking up
Am I just paranoid?
Or I'm just stoned

I fumbled around in my pockets until I found my cell "Hello?" I mumbled wishing whoever was on the other end would hurry up and leave so I could go back into my 'self-pity' bubble and drown in my misery.
"Frankie! We need to meet up, I haven't seen you since..." Mikey's voice trailed off but we both knew the words he wouldn't say 'I haven't seen you since Gee's funeral'
"Yeah well, I haven't really been feeling up to seeing people lately" I replied cutting the tension filled silence short.
"Please Frankie, I miss you. Your my bestfriend and seeing you would make me feel closer to Gee...it might even help you too" I know Mikey too well...he'll never give up until I agree to meet him.
"Fine" I whisper into the phone.
"Great! I'll meet you tomorrow at Starbucks, say 10am?"
"Thats fine Mikey, see you then" I hang up not waiting for a response.
I make my way into the kitchen and pull out a bottle of my old friend JD, nothing's better at making me forget how much of a fuck up I really am!
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Thanks to Hetherton_Cessed for commenting :D