Break The Mold

For this Contest

The armbands. You could find one on every arm. A silent reminder of where you belong. There were the greens, the blues, a few reds here and there, but you could not escape.

The utopia was a mountain with 3 sections carved into it. The only way from one section to the next was through the path. It was a small path that you only walked down once, you only walked down after you were assigned a color.
There are three colors in the utopia. There were the blues, the lowly blues. They lived at the bottom of the mountain. Then you have your greens, the middle class. They lived in the middle of the moutain. Finally, there were the reds. The power class, they lived at the top of the mountain.
The utopia had rules, strict rules. You were only allowed to be with someone of your color, you were never, under any circumstances, to socialize with those of other colors. The punishment for breaking such rules could result in death.

You were given your color at birth. The moment you were born, before your parents even saw you, you were placed before the panel. The panel was a group of elders, those who had been born outside the utopia before the armbands had even been designed. They decided who your parents really were, they decided your color, they decided your fate, they decided if you had ever even been born.
After they decided your color, an armband was stitched in your arm. They then relocated you into a family with armbands of the matching colors. This meant that your birth parents could have been blue, but you could be living in a home with reds calling them family.
The system was strange, but it kept things in order. No one questioned the elders, they decided the utopia, they kept the citizens safe. The utopia was perfect, no one questions perfection.