I Never Thought I'd Be This Way

The End

------------------------Frank's POV------------------------

How could you do this to me? Do you realize how much you've hurt me? Can you see that I've been falling apart since the day you brought her home with you? Everybody used to be so happy before she came along and now you're letting some girl tear the band, us apart! Why? We were meant to be together! We were always meant to be and you refused to accept that. And now without you, without us, I cease to exist.

I hate being left alone with my thoughts. They always bring me back to this same place and I don't know how much longer I can resist.

This is how you make me live! All I can handle doing now is sitting in my room trying to block out the world and you. It's too bad everything reminds me of you. It hurts so badly. The worst part is that you're not yourself anymore. The sweet, unselfish , caring person I fell in love with. My Gerard. She changed you and now what are you? A jerk that's what you are! Nothing more then a selfish, uncaring, conceited jerk.

I was crying even harder now. I never thought a person could cry this hard. All this time of bottling up my emotions has finally started to catch up with me.

I can't do this anymore! I can't stand seeing you two act all lovey-dovey because that's exactly what it was, an act. She doesn't care about you like I do! She's been using you for her own benefit. Why don't you see that! We have all tried to tell you but you won't listen! You never listen! Now maybe you'll finally see what she has done.

I got up from the bed that I had been sitting on. My face was coated in tears and I felt so weak. I walked into the room containing the safe. The safe I locked your gun in so you couldn't kill yourself.
Ironic isn't it? The gun you bought to kill yourself, killed me instead.
I punched in the combination.
Your birthday, the one code you'd never think to try. You never thought of yourself as deserving anything, not even a safe combination. But you were! You deserved the world and I tried to give you mine. I gave you all the love my heart could possibly have and you rejected it. You rejected me.

I sighed. Just thinking about the man you used to be makes me hurt. And now the man you have been transformed into by her makes me do this.

I never thought it'd be this way.

I pulled out the gun. It still had bullets in it. Then I started to walk back to my room forgetting to close the safe.

I can't believe you finally lead me to this. In reality I know it's her that makes me want to follow through with this. This is what she wants, to see me end my own life because of her. I always thought I could be the bigger person. Too bad a human body can only take so much pain.

I heard the front door open to our house.
The one we used to share before she came along and demanded that you buy a house for just the two of you. Of course you did what she said. You always did as she told you to. That conniving whore made sure we couldn't be friends like we used to be. She was afraid of the bond we shared. Even she could see it so why couldn't you?! We were around each other everyday and that's the hardest part. She flaunted you in front of me on a daily basis. She knew it would drive me to this!

"Hello? I know you're here Frank! I saw your car in the driveway. We need to talk" Gerard called out to me.
I thought this would be coming. Yesterday I lost it, I couldn't take her flaunting you in front of me any longer. So I told her off in front of everyone and the look on her face was priceless. You were here to defend her and there was no way I was about to listen to that.

I heard you walking down the hallway to my room. I had locked my door after getting the gun to make sure nobody could get in.

"What is that doing open? Oh God!" You said to yourself not thinking I could hear you. Then I heard you run to my door.

"Open this door now! You can't do this!" You yelled while pounding on my door with your fists.

"It's too late... Like you'd care anyway" I said with a surprisingly calm tone.

"Let me help you! Just don't do this!" You almost managed to sound desperate and caring, sort of like you used too. Like my Gerard, the Gerard I fell in love with. It's a shame this is the most we've talked in a long time.

"Help me? HA! Gerard, you caused this!" Then I raised the gun to my head. Before you could say anything else I finally said those three little words that caused me so much heartache...

"I love you"