All I Want Is You

You're just a dreamer.

“Seriously, I am not wearing that.” I had been trying to deal with this situation for the past 15 minutes. I was being firmly told by a tall skinny guy that he would not be wearing the “gross” checkered shirt that Jerry had picked for him.
“It’s not so bad. Maybe we could put a vest over it! Like this cool leather one.” I held out the vest. He shook his head.
“Find me something else or I’m leaving.” He turned and walked away. God, even the guys were divas.
“Jerry, I tried, but he won’t wear it.” She gave me an evil look. We were all pretty fed up. We had been here for hours. I was tired, and I had a paper on Coco Chanel due tomorrow.
“Fuck! I am sick of these little punks thinking I don’t know shit about fashion.” Yeah, Jerry was a little, well, forward.
“What should I do?” I asked.
“Just let him pick something. I have places to be.” Jerry continued dressing one of the other band members. He was a little more submissive than the others.
I walked back to the other guy. He was staring at me. “What now?” he asked sharply.
“She’s says pick whatever you want.” I answered.
“Thank fuck.” he turned towards the rack of clothing we had set out for him.
“Let me know what you pick.” I said, before taking my 5 minute break. I walked outside on to the street. We had been here so long the sun was almost set. I breathed in the slightly cooler air. I leaned against the side of the building, pulling out my phone to check my messages.
A call from my mom. A text from my friend Emily. Nothing else. I quickly realized I was disappointed that there was nothing from Jackson.
Oh my god! I thought to myself. Someone picks you up off the ground and now you can’t wait to see him again. I chuckled to myself and turned back towards the door.
“Is this okay?” the tall guy asked me. I gave his outfit the once over. “Can we change the belt?” I asked. It was totally clashing with the outfit.
“I guess.” He said. I found another belt and handed it to him. He changed it and turned towards me.
“Much better.” I smiled. “I think we’re good to go!” I said. Thank god this was the last shot of the day. Now my job really kicked in. I started carefully packing all the clothes and shoes and accessories back in to their respective trunks and containers. This was the kind of stuff Jerry never did on her own. It was the most boring part of the job, making sure everything was carefully sorted and stored, but it gave me something to do while I waited for the final shot to be complete.
I found myself thinking about Jackson. He was certainly handsome, and it was nice of him to help me, especially since falling was a regular occurrence for me. I was trying to analyze every word he had said, wondering if he really would call me. I wasn’t sure what I thought would come from this encounter. I didn’t have a lot of close friends here, even though I had lived here so long. It would be nice to have coffee with someone, meet someone new.
Crazy! I thought to myself. I sound like a stalker. I tried to keep my mind off the meeting while I finished packing the clothes. The band guys threw a pile of clothes beside me and walked away. I sighed and packed them up too. After helping Jerry load everything in her car, I said goodnight and started walking home.
I didn’t live far from where the shoot had been. I didn’t live far from anything as a matter of fact. I liked to walk. It helped me clear my head and gather my thoughts. I tried to focus on thinking about the final details of my paper or a new design, but emerald green eyes kept popping back in to my head.
Ugh, get a grip on yourself! I chuckled as I realized I was scolding myself. I was soon at the door of my apartment. I hurried inside, realizing how late it was. I really needed to finish this paper. I could see I would be pulling an all-nighter. I dropped my bag inside the door. I powered up my computer as I walked by and changed into my pyjamas. I sat down at my desk and started to type.
Problem. Coco Chanel is not a green eyed stranger named Jackson. And Jackson won’t leave my brain. See my point?
This was going to be a really long night.
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Next! lol. Comments please!