All I Want Is You

There there baby,it's just textbook stuff.

“I have a meeting with my agent, an audition and I have to run over to Ben and Jared’s for a few minutes. Are you sure you don’t want Emily to come stay with you?” Jackson asked me.

I was 37 weeks pregnant. Technically I could have Pip at anytime. But I didn’t feel any different, so I wasn’t worried.

“I’ll be fine. I’m just going back to bed.” I said, yawning and rubbing my stomach. The skin was sore from stretching. Luckily my daily regimen of slathering my stomach in cocoa butter had left me nearly stretch mark free.

“Okay. I love you and I’ll see you soon!” He said and gave me a quick kiss before leaving.

I yawned again, and poured a glass of milk from the fridge. I gulped down the milk and headed back to bed. It was way too early for me to be up, especially with nothing to do. Besides, my back was killing me.


It was nearly noon when I woke up. I stretched out in bed then sat up and slipped my feet into my slippers. I was almost to the kitchen when it happened.

The sharp pain flared across my lower abdomen.

This wasn’t a tiny cramp, like the false contractions I had been having for weeks. No, I was pretty sure this was the real thing.

I tried to remain calm as I made my way to the sofa. I sat down, breathing deeply. No need to panic, I would just see how this played out. I turned on the TV to distract myself.

I was in the middle of watching a soda commercial when another pain struck, this time extending into my lower back. I clutched at my stomach, fear immediately washing over me. I waited for the pain to pass and then got up to get the phone. I quickly dialled Jackson’s number.

My stomach dropped when I heard the familiar ringtone across the room. Lying beside the door, on the table where we kept our keys, was Jackson’s cell phone.

I tried not to panic. I tried to think logically, but I just started to cry instead. I was hit by another contraction, but after it passed I dialled Ada’s number, hoping she would pick up.

“The customer you have dialled has their phone turned off.” A monotone machine voice said on the other end. I decided to try the house phone. I couldn’t remember her saying she had anything to do today.

The phone rang three times. “Hello.” A sleepy British voice said on the other end.

“Rob, is Ada there?” I asked, trying not to sound like I was crying.

“No, she has an interview.” He answered. I couldn’t help it then. I was sobbing now.

“Lizzie, is something wrong?” He asked, his voice only slightly more alert.

“Jackson left his phone at home and Ada has her phone turned off and I’m here all alone and I think I’m in labour.” I wailed, rushing the words together as another contraction hit.

“Oh fuck!” I heard Rob say, although the sound was muffled. “I’m coming to get you. I’ll leave Ada a message. You need to tell me where Jackson was going so I can get her to find him.”

“Okay.” I sobbed meekly. I detailed to him exactly where Jackson was suppose to go today. He decided to call Ben and Jared, to see if he had been there.

“Don’t worry Lizzie.” He said. I could tell he was trying to keep his voice calm. He was a terrible actor. Unless he was getting paid.

I hung up the phone and walked back to the bedroom, taking deep breaths as I dressed in sweats and grabbed my hospital bag.

I was in the middle of a contraction, sitting on the sofa, when the door flew open. Rob was visibly nervous, as his right hand never stopped moving through his hair. He was about to open his mouth, but I shook my head and held up my finger. His eyes widen in fear, as he watched my face contort in pain. I took a deep breath when it was over.

“Thank you for coming.” I said as I stood up.

“Er. Yeah. Do you need anything before we go? Are we just going to the hospital?” he asked nervously.

“I think we should. Can you carry my bag?” I asked, pointing to the bag on the floor.

“Oh. Yeah. Okay.” He said. He reached for the bag and then the door, holding it open as I walked out in front of him.

Just the person I wanted to drive me to the hospital. The most nervous person I knew. What wonderful luck.