That Chick

We all know one girl who sits alone at lunch.
The one who's hair covers her face like a curtain.
She wore those crazy clothes.
Those combat boots.
And that crazy hair.
What's up with that?
She listens to those weird bands.
The one's you secretly think are really good.
You just don't want your friends knowing you like them.
Y'know, BrokeNCYDE, Dot Dot Curve, J bigga.
She wears those band tee's and those wrist bands.
There's a rumor she only wears them to cover her cuts.
She doesn't really have any friends.
except the occasional people who say 'hi.'
Only because they feel sorry for her.
She was witty, sarcastic, a smartass.
That girl, her name is Riley McKenzie Norah Jones.
Ain't that a long name, eh?
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Riley McKenzie Norah Jones.
Fifteen years old.
Likes Tutus and Crunk/Hardcore bands.
Dislikes Daisies and Pop.