My Green Romance

Tickling is in the hands of the beholder...

Hazel's P.O.V

'Lola's Home, Lola's Home, Lola's Home' I chanted all the way up to my room, where I flopped down and on to my bed, Frank flopped down beside me.
Frank, I was so confused about him, I was falling for him and I didnt know how he felt about me. I looked at him now, his cute smile, his hair always in the same style, his eyes closed, he looked so peaceful. I laid back and smiled to myself.

I felt Frank shuffle beside me, what was he doing. I opened my eyes and saw him looking down at me...maybe he did feel the same way. I felt his hands on my sides...I held my breath, then he began to tickle me, I gasped and laughter exploded from my lips...
'Frank, Stop, No,' I squealed through fits of giggles...
'Never' He cried and tickled me with more force.

Tears began to trickle down my cheeks, as I tried to wriggle free. Then i heard a coughing from the door way, Frank stopped and we both turned to see who it was.

Lola's P.O.V.

I couldn't quite believe what I seeing. I had just come to see if Hazel was ok and to thank her for all she did. As I reached her door way I could hear her giggling again, and I just thought it was normal, her laughing at a movie she was watching on he PSP, so i walked straight in but oh no! She was being tickled into submission by Frank. Was this what was happening every night? I coughed to announce my presence, Frank stopped and they both turned to look at me. I smiled.

'Um Hi Lola' Frank said looking a little awkward.
'Hey Frank, I dont suppose I could talk to Hazel for a minute please...Alone?'
'Sure' He smiled got up off the bed and left the room calling out for Mike.
I closed the door and crossed the room and sat on Hazel's bed, she buried her face in her pillow.
'You like Frank, Don't you?'
She mumbled something into her pillow, which I didn't quite catch.
'Well I'm sure the pillow was fascinated, but come on Haze I'm your big sister you know you can trust me!'
She looked up at me 'I said Yes I do, but I don't know if he feels the same'
I hugged her, 'Do you want me to talk to him or Mike about it, see if i can suss him out for you?'
'Oh Lola that would be great' she smiled, 'but you won't tell Daddy will you?'
'No I won't tell Daddy, but if something does happen between you and Frank, promise me you will tell Daddy straight away. I don't want a repeat performance of this afternoon ok?'
'I promise. Love you Lola' I smiled and we hugged again.

Mike's P.O.V.

Where was Lola? She said she was going to be two minutes, she just wanted to thank Hazel for this afternoon. I sighed and laid back on the pillow, it smelt of Lola, I took a deep breath.
'Mike, Godammit, Where the fuck are you?' Frank's voice vibrated through the corridor, as doors opened and shut, then the door to Lola's room opened.
'There you are, Jesus Christ'
'Hello Frank, can I help you?'
Frank just looked at me and slumped down onto the bed and closed his eyes.
'Frank are you ok?' He looked stressed, he opened his eyes, stared up at the ceiling and sighed.
'Mike, I have a confession to make'

Frank's P.O.V.

I was so confused. I was falling for Hazel and I didn't know how she felt about me, I thought it was time I confided in Mike. Perhaps he could help me. I sighed and stared up at the ceiling.
'Mike, I have a confession to make'
'I'm falling for Hazel, and I'm not sure how she feels about me, could you perhaps ask Lola to find out for me please?'
'Oh, Um sure, but what about Billie? After the way he reacted this afternoon, you better tell him straight away if anything happens...'
'Dont worry Mike, I will!'
'You better...'
♠ ♠ ♠
Well theres the update........I lost the first draft stupid comp timed me out :(
Oh and Charlotte, You better comment this is for you.....
Remember comments = Updated
If I don't have writers block.....
Much Love