One, Two, Three, Shoot Shoot Shoot Shoot.


Leah reflexively tightened her grasp on her own head, bringing her encircled arms tighter around her head. Each blast was like thunder, shaking the whole room. She felt her heart quiver with every blast, matching it's blow for a moment before continuing to throb heavily in her chest, each beat faster than the last.
She paused for a moment waiting for the next blast, but when it didn't come like the others had in their steady rhythm, she propped herself up on her elbows and began her never ending crawl to the closet. They wouldn't see her if she was in the closet. She had seen two other students crawl in there, and Leah just hoped that they wouldn't force her out. She'd definitely be caught then.

A few students had been brave enough to stand up to them, trying to wrestle the guns from their grasp, but all of them had been shot instantly. Their bodies lay strewn about the class and hallways. So far, from what Leah had seen, 4 students and 2 teachers had been shot, but she hadn't seen the shooters when they had first entered. She could only guess what they had done when the hallways had been chock full of hysterical teens.

It had been a normal day, mirroring the one before and the one that would come after. Each day was identical at school with nothing ever happening except for the fluctuation of homework or stress over a poor mark. Today was a shattering of that mirror, with the shards flying everywhere so that it couldn't even be pieced together again.
Leah had been walking from math to english like she did everyday, and had been for the whole semester. Classes were almost done and it was one of the last times she'd take this exact route. She had been passing David Tross, bumping into him on purpose so that her binder would fall. Her shoulder had collided with his elbow, sending her binder tumbling onto the floor.

“Oh! Leah, I didn't mean to... are you alright?” He immediately bent down to pick up the binder, picking up a few scattered papers. Leah was on one knee, directly across from him, picking up the stray papers as well.

“Don't worry about it. It was an accident.” Leah flashed the football captain a huge grin, hoping to god that she didn't have any pieces of food in her teeth. “How was the game last night?”

“Oh. The game...” David shrugged lightly, standing now, her things still in his arms. Leah stood too, keeping herself level with him until she was at her full height. Her eyes had to follow his upwards as he was at least a foot taller than her.

“That bad, huh?”

“Well, the team tried, I mean... It was pretty brutal though...”

“As long as you tried.” Leah shrugged. She was about to open her mouth to say something about how was his performance at the game when the first shot went off. Leah didn't know what was going on and immediately backed into the lockers behind her as red began to flower across David's chest. If it hadn't been so horrific, she would have taken the time to study the artistic patterns it was creating on his white button up shirt.

Someone in the hallway screamed loudly as people tried to figure out where the noise had come from. Or was it her? She looked around wildly as David's unconscious body fell onto. Now it was her that was screaming for sure. She pushed him off, slipping away from his body.