Sequel: I Am Here

By Your Side

Chapter 16

“Come in, come in.” Jost was smiling as he ushered us through the door and into seats that were across from a sound room.

This room was much better than the last room I’d been in. It was bigger and it looked more like a room a music producer should be in, instead of a plain office. There were posters of many different bands all over the walls, a sound room (where I was guessing Jost would have the guys play something for him before we left), and a bunch of comfortable seats scattered around the room in an odd way but it all seemed to fit together perfectly.

“So you are the guys Anna has been speaking so fondly of since I last saw her, eh?”

“Yes sir.” Bill said extending out his hand for Jost to shake. “I’m Bill, and this is the rest of the band.” He gestured to the others who introduced themselves just as Bill had.

“Who plays guitar?” Jost asked after the introductions were over.

I saw Tom smirk as he walked over to Jost. “I do. I could’ve played the drums or bass too but we needed more then two people in the band. Of course, I can sing too but I don’t want the guys getting jealous that I can do everything and they can’t. Besides I have enough girls after me anyway. They need some fan attention.”

“Shut up, Tom.” Bill pushed his shoulder and laughed.

I shot him a glare “’Plenty of girls after you anyway’, huh?”

“I turn them all down… all I need is you, babe.” He wrapped his arms around me.

“Good answer.”

We all laughed then Jost continued asking questions. They were almost the same as the questions he asked me about them the first time I talked to Jost. He asked how they all met and how long they’ve been playing music together. Then he started to ask about the kind of music they played and things like that.

We were talking for over an hour. It was technically like their first interview. Though I don’t think interviews ever last this long. I could tell they loved it all the same anyway. It could’ve gone on for three hours and I think the smiles on their faces would’ve still been plastered there. The guys weren’t pretending to be happy to be there (like some rock stars do). It was a good thing they got along with Jostand the fat guy wasn’t there. I could tell that Jost liked hanging around and laughing with the guys.

“Hey, how would you boys like it if I let you play some of your songs in that recording room for a while?” Jost asked.

“Really?! We’d love to!” everybody’s face lit up.

“We don’t have our instruments though.” Gustav said.

“Everything you guys need is in the room. I talked with Anna and I know exactly what kind of instruments you play and everything.”

“Wow, thanks guys!” They called when they ran into the room.

Jost and I smiled at each other before joining them.

“Damn! You have a Gibson -Les Paul Standard here?” Tom said, holding the guitar as if it were a baby. He was so careful with it. Like if he dropped it or moved it the wrong way it would shatter into a thousand pieces.

“Yes. Anna told me that is your favorite kind of guitar.”

Everyone else swooned over the instruments before they settled down and asked Jost, “What do you want us to play?”

“Any song you’d like. I listened to all the songs on the album Anna gave me, so preferably one of those.”

“Those are the only songs we have memorized now anyway. We have a few we’ve started, but they still need work,” Bill said.

“So, whenever you guys are ready, go ahead and start.”

They ended up playing “Leb Die Sekunde”.

“What did you think?” I asked when they were done.

“We worked forever on this one. We have two different versions but this one is best.” Bill said.

“That is what I love about you guys. You never gave up and you’re willing to do anything to make this happen.”

“Thank you.” They were speechless and I couldn’t help but smile.

“I want you to come play a gig this Saturday at a little pub downtown. Please, invite your parents and friends. I’m sure everyone will fall in love with you and your music immediately.”

"We hope so. Thanks so much, Jost. We appreciate everything you’ve done for us.”

“You’re very welcome gentlemen. I’ll see you all on Saturday?”

“You bet.” We all smiled and raced down the hall to the elevator.

Simone was waiting in the lobby to pick us up. As soon as we were in the car, we pretty much attacked her, yelling and screaming excitedly about everything that just happened.
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Sorry it's been forever, everybody. I got my internet taken away from me becausemy dad's an asshole sometimes I got into trouble.
Anyway, here's the next chapter!
Enjoy! :D

Thanks to all commenters/ readers/ subscribers!
I appreciate it! <3