Sequel: I Am Here

By Your Side

Chapter 32

“Wake up, Anna; it’s your last day of school. You don’t want to be late.” My dad came into my room and opened up my window to let the sun light in.

I glared at him and turned over, smashing my face into my pillow.

We were all packed up, unfortunately, and today was the day we were finally going to leave. Why did he think I was looking forward to all of this? He was smiling and as happy as can be. I, however, felt like beating the shit out of someone, like, a roller derby chick to get all my anger out. He was only letting me go to school today so I could say goodbye to all my friends and get their “information so you can write to each other” so he said. It worked for me; as long as I got to spend one last day with everyone I wasn’t going to complain –that much-.

He sighed and left my room. Without even looking at him, I could tell he was shaking his head disapprovingly on his way out. Whatever, though, he brought my glares on himself. He claimed this job was “something he couldn’t refuse” but I had a feeling he could, he just didn’t want to.

I frowned the entire time I was getting ready. On top of that, I had no fucking idea what I was going to wear. I considered dressing in all black, like a funeral costume or something similar. My dad would surely be pissed off at that. The kids at school would think I was a nutcase, though, so I decided against that idea. The next outfit that came to mind was something semi fancy so I could look really good for my last day. Again, that sounded stupid. I would be sitting on an airplane for God knows how long so that idea was out the window.

I settled on a simple outfit, jeans and a simple band shirt. Tom’s band shirt to be exact. He let me borrow one of his Samy Deluxe t-shirts when we first started hanging out, thinking I would love him just as much as he did. Too bad for him, I didn’t like hip-hop or rap so much. I put up with it for Tom but I couldn’t even understand the lyrics because they would talk too fast. All I could make out from more than half of the songs was stuff about beer, drugs, women, and sex. Not my kind of music, at all.

I could see why a guy would like that kind of noise and Tom loved it so I wasn’t going to make him change his style because I didn’t like something. That would be a bitch move on my part and I wasn’t like that. That’s probably why we (as in all of Tokio Hotel, everyone that knew about the band referred the four of them as their band name because it was ‘easier’) got along so well. We didn’t try and change each other, we accepted how everyone was. No one likes a group of friends that are like robots anyway.

I went downstairs; my dad was sitting at the table reading the newspaper as always before he left for work. My mom was still sleeping. She wanted nothing more to do with us it seemed. We had all been really distant ever since the news of the divorce and I was almost positive she hated my dad now that he was leaving her and taking me with him. I’d miss her but at the same time I was pissed off she didn’t bother to say goodbye to me, at least. Oh well, her loss. Sure, it hurt but what could I do?

“You ready to go?”

No, I came down here, all ready for school with my book bag to tell you I wasn’t ready. “Yes, I’m going to go meet the Kaulitz’ at the bus stop.”

“Isn’t there bus stop two and a half blocks farther than your regular stop?”


“Okay, whatever.” He didn’t argue. “Make sure you’re outside waiting in the front by the parking lot after school. We’re leaving right away so don’t take your sweet time.”

“Alright,” I said simply.

“I mean it; we can’t be late to the airport.”

Don’t get your panties in a twist “I’ll be there.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Short, I know.
I'll have another one up tomorrow, though. So don't get your panties in a twist. XDD

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You guys are amazing :D